Thursday, December 10, 2009
Obama Crowd Throws Navy SEALS Under The Bus
Instead of being hailed as heroes and commended for their actions in capturing Abed, the Navy has charged three Navy SEALS for giving him a "fat lip." Wow! Can you imagine that? How terrible that a scumbag terrorist who tortures and murders Americans is roughed up by his captors. The sorry SOB is lucky they didn't shoot him. They deserve medals in my book.
The three Navy SEALs involved are Special Warfare Operators 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe, and 1st Class Julio Huertas.
McCabe is charged with assault, dereliction of duty, and making a false official statement; Keefe is charged with dereliction of duty and making a false official statement; and Huertas is charged with dereliction of duty, making a false official statement and impeding an official investigation.
According to one Navy source the three Navy SEALs had turned Abed over to the Iraqi military and was returning to their base when they were ordered to go back an pickup him up for further interrogation. When they picked up Abed from the Iraqis they noticed that Abed had been roughed up and had a cut lip. It was the Iraqis who roughed up Abed not the Navy SEALs.
It was Abed who told Naval authorities that it was one of the Navy SEALs who assaulted him. No kidding. The Navy command took the word of one of the most-wanted terrorists in Iraq over their own men? What kind of morons do we have wearing Navy officers uniforms these days? What happened to the leadership principle of looking out for the welfare of your troops?
The U.S. Special Operations Command Central commander Army Maj. Gen. Charles Cleveland, preferred the charges against the SEALs and will serve as the convening authority as the cases proceed to a military court. Apparently the U.S. Army has the same kind of morons in command as the U.S. Navy.
Rather than accept a reprimand from Cleveland the SEALs, who said they did nothing wrong, demanded a military court. Cleveland was then forced to charge them. What a jerk.
If convicted they could be fined and demoted, sent to prison and receive bad conduct discharges. All for giving a scumbag terrorist a "fat lip." Can you imagine this happening when WWII combat generals and admirals like MacArthur, Patton, Bradley, Nimitz, Bull Halsey and others were running the war? They must be rolling over in their graves.
Once again we see general grade officers listening to a bunch of "politically correct" military lawyers instead of looking out for the troops. The late Col. Dave Hackworth called them "perfumed princes."
The incident actually started when a Navy Master-At-Arms Chief guarding Abed told a SEAL platoon commander that one of the SEALs had punched Abed in the stomach. The platoon commander reported the incident and it went up the chain of command with no questions asked.
Who in the hell was looking out for the troops these days? Hardly a week goes by that we don't hear about our troops being hauled before a military courtl for trumped up charges of mistreating prisoners. In most cases those charged are acquitted or the charges dropped.
In November, 2005, U.S. Marines came under attack by insurgents in Haditha, Iraq. During the firefight nine insurgents were killed and 15 civilians being used as shields were killed. Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, USMC, was the ranking officer present during the attack and ensuing firefight. Another of countless successful firefights by U.S. Marines in the War on Terror in which Chessani was commended for a job well done by Maj. Gen. Huck, his commanding general.
Unfortunately, the anti-war politician Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., accused the Marines of being cold-blooded killers and government prosecutors charged Chessani and seven other Marines with criminal wrongdoing. Following a lengthy investigation in which no wrongdoing was discovered the criminal case was thrown out of military court.
Still looking for a "scapegoat" to appease the antiwar media and Murtha, the military then held a Board of Inquiry on Chessani where the burden of proof is lower. The ruling was that he was innocent of any misconduct and should not be demoted but should retire. Another good combat officer thrown under the bus by the anti-war, anti-military, anti-America crowd.
The anti-war, anti-military crowd is now looking for "scapegoats" in the Navy SEALs incident. At least this time instead of being stabbed in the back by Murtha and his gang they're getting some help from friendly lawmakers.
A letter circulated in the House from Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, said prosecuting the three SEALs "seems to us to be an overreaction by the command." Let's hope Maj. Gen. Cleveland and his superiors including CinC Obama are listening.
About 20 House members signed the letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, including House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.
Hunter told reporters, "The Navy SEALs could have been slapped on the wrist for this - unfairly then, too. "But they said, 'We want to let the facts be known.' "Prosecuting them is "baloney."
Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., joined the fight and sent a letter to Gates, asking him for his personal attention in the case. Ensign said it appeared to him that highly skilled personnel have been removed from the war effort "due to a fat lip and some slanderous allegations by one of the most-wanted individuals in Iraq." Hunter and Ensign have it right. Let's see what Gates does.
Gates is a holdover from the Bush administration and has done a fair job as SecDef in the Obama administration. He could put a stop to all this PC crap and stupid Rules of Engagement ROEs and should although it would probably result in his being thrown under the bus.
In a recent article Jed Babbin, editor of Human Events and former deputy undersecretary of defense under President George H.W. Bush had a few choice comments concerning the charges against the three SEALs.
Babbin says military lawyers are far too involved in running this war and commanders are deferring to them far more than they should.
Babbin said, "Putting these SEALs through a court martial for an offnese that deserves --at worst a good chewing out and a sentence to do a few hundred pushups will send a devastating message through out all the special forces."
Babbin is right. It's now up to the military brass to put an end to these PC kangaroo courts and stupid ROEs that are getting our troops killed and wounded on the battlefield and say enough is enough. Gates needs to back them up.
Maybe CinC Obama and the Pelosi/Reid gang will get the message. Quit messing with our troops and let them do their job!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Major Hasan Strikes Blow for Muslim Terrorists
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, walked into the Soldier Readiness Center at Fort Hood at about 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 5, 2009, armed with two pistols and several magazines of ammo. Without warning Hasan pulled his weapons and started firing at point blank range into a large crowd of soldiers who were processing for deployment. Within minutes Hasan shouting "Allah Akbar" had shot and killed over a dozen soldiers and wounded another forty-two. It was the worse killing spree on a military base in the history of the nation.
Thanks to the quick response by Sgt. Kimberly Munley and her partner Sgt. Mark Todd, members of the federal civilian security police, Hasan was shot and wounded before he could continue his murderous shooting rampage.
Officer Munley was the first officer on the scene and arrived within scant minutes of the shooting. Munley opened fire as Hasan turned his gun on her. Wounded twice by Hasan as they exchanged fire Munley was able to wound Hasan before she went down. As her partner Todd arrived seconds behind Munley Hasan fired two shots at Todd missing him before Todd returned fire and took him down. Hasan had been hit four times and was severely wounded in the exchange of gunfire. Munley was hit in the thigh but is expected to recover fully from her wounds.
A big question is raised as to why there was an absence of armed military personnel in the immediate area. Where were the military police? Why weren't there armed soldiers on guard duty? Why weren't there any military personnel with personal firearms in the area? Why was security left solely to contract civilian security police? The reason was because the military has adopted a "gun free zone" policy on all military installations. This policy was reiterated by the Fort Hood post commander Lt. Gen Robert Cone. "As a matter of practice we do not carry weapons. This is our home," he said. Really now. Fort Hood is a military post first and security should be a first and major priority mission carried out by military personnel not civilian security police.
We have far too many military officers of 4-star rank who are afflicted with a serious case of "political correct" syndrome. Advocates of gun free zones and don't say anything bad about Muslims.
Gun free zones have the practical effect of disarming everyone except the gunman as was the case at Fort Hood. Another example was the Virginia Tech shooting massacre that left 32 students dead at the hands of a lone gunman. Even the security force at Virginia Tech was unarmed.
Had there been a couple of armed military personnel on duty at the Soldier Readiness Center on November 5, Major Hasan might have been stopped before he fired a shot. It doesn't make much sense to have a gun free zone policy on a military installation where the vast majority of military personnel are trained in the use of firearms from handguns and rifles to machine guns.
At one time in the military security for military installations was carried out by military police ( army, navy, air force, etc.) and armed troops on guard around the base. Security wasn't left to civilians.
A major share of blame for the Fort Hood shootings can be assigned to the military for instituting such a ludicrous policy as a "gun free zone" on military installations, especially during a time that America is at war with terrorists around the world. Our military should be on a "war footing" and insure that military personnel have ready access to firearms and that proper security is taken to protect assembly areas where large numbers of troops are present. The Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense Bob Gates had better get their heads out of the sand before more troops become "sitting ducks" to another Muslim terrorist(s) like Major Hasan.
As evidenced by the Fort Hood massacre by a Muslim terrorist in an army uniform, America is being threatened as a result of the growing number of Muslims in the country and in the military.
As is the case with the actual number of illegal immigrants in the country, the number of Muslims is also unknown. The number has been estimated at 8 to 10 million and growing. The number of mosques is estimated at over 3,000 and growing. The FBI reported that 10 percent of these mosques teach jihad (death to infidels). Federal prosecutors recently took steps to seize 4 mosques suspected of being controlled by Iran. One of the mosques was in Houston.
According to recent military release in 2008, the Defense Department reported 3,409 Muslims on active duty in the U.S. military, but officials said the number could be at least three times higher. An army infantry division numbers around 12,000 troops about the number of Muslims that could be running around in a military uniform. This is not to say that all Muslims are terrorists or sympathetic to their cause, but all terrorists are Muslims.
As a result of the Fort Hood massacre the U.S. Military plans to investigate the growing number of Muslims in its ranks and the threat of Al Qaida influence.
U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey said, "We have to go back and look at ourselves and ask ourselves the hard questions. Are we doing the right thing? We will learn from this." Let's hope they learn the answer to the hard questions. Questions like just how many Muslims are there wearing U.S. military uniforms and how many are possible terrorists.
It was learned that when Major Hasan first enlisted in the U.S. Army he did not identify himself as a Muslim. One Defense Department official said, "We believe there are many more Muslims who when recruited did not list their religion. Some of these people simply wanted to avoid harassment; others might have had a sinister agenda." Major Hasan sure had a sinister agenda.
Pentagon officials admitted that they have received reports of Muslim soldiers expressing opposition to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They said the opposition was encouraged by Islamic clerics as well as Muslim officers such as Hasan, who warned against harming other Muslims. Sure sounds like the Pentagon had prior warnings that Hasan was a terrorist waiting to strike. SecDef Gates has some explaining to do along with the Joint Chiefs. Chances are some lower ranking officer will fall on his sword.
In 2003, another terrorist in uniform was Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar (talk about a terrorist name) killed two officers and wounded 14 other soldiers in a grenade attack. Akbar was sentenced to death by a military court and is awaitng execution. A public firng squad or hanging would be appropriate for Sgt Akbar and Major Hasan and send the right message.
At least one U.S. Senator Joe Liberman, a Connecticut independent, thinks the Pentagon ignored warning signs that Hasan was a Muslim terrorist waiting to strike. Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said his committee would investigate the Hasan shooting.
"I am intending to begin a congressional investigation of my homeland security committee into what were the motives, what were the motives of Hasan in carrying out this brutal mass murder and to ask whether the army missed warning signs that should have led them to essentially discharge him. If Hasan was showing signs, saying that he had become an Islamist extremist, the U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance. He should have been gone," said Liberman. Way to go Sen. Liberman!
It's time for the Obama anti-America, anti-military, crowd and the Pelosi/Reid gang of traitors and losers in Congress to shape up or ship out. It's time that they realize that America is at war with Muslim terrorists whether overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan or here at home. It's not some kind of a political game to see who can be the biggest apologists for how rotten America is or how quick we can "cut and run" from the battlefields as we did in Korea and Vietnam.
A president who ignores the request of his top general in Afghanistan for combat reinforcements at a time when US troops are facing tough fighting and increased casualties and ignores the Muslim threat at home should be impeached.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Joe Wilson Stands Up For America
Joe Wilson, as well as every member of Congress, knew Obama was lying through his teeth. If Obama care is rammed down the throats of American taxpayers illegal immigrants will be receiving free health care. Wilson rose from his seat and shouted "You Lie." Joe Wilson was speaking for the American people and probably most of his Republican colleagues, who didn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and support him. No wonder the Republicans are a minority in the US Congress.
President Bush was booed by the Democrats several times during his congressional speeches. There was no outcry then or calls for an apology. I guess if several members boo the president at the same time it's accepted conduct and doesn't violate basic rules of decorum. Yet, if a lone member speaks out then it's an outburst that isn't condoned.
Wilson apologized to the president for his remark and said Obama had "graciously accepted my apology, and the issue is over." "I think it's clear to the American people that there are far more important issues facing this nation than what we're addressing right now," He said. Wilson refused to apologize to the House for his remark.
Obama said,"I'm a big believer that we all make mistakes. He apologized quickly and without equivocation. And I appreciate that. I do think that we have to get to the point that we have a conversation without assuming the worst in people."
Wilson's apology to Obama wasn't good enough for House Democrats. Many of whom had demonized President Bush and members of his cabinet and referred to Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney as "war criminals and liars."
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, and highest ranking black in Congress, threatened Wilson with an official House sanction unless he apologized to the House. "Either he can deal with it or the House can deal with it," Clyburn said. Can't let them nasty old Republicans get away with calling the "Messiah" a liar. The truth does hurt.
For the first time in the 233 year history of the nation a "Resolution of Disapproval" was rammed through the House by Democrats admonishing Wilson for speaking out during a presidential speech. The final vote 240-179. At least Texas Republicans voted against the resolution and every Texas Democrat voted for it. No surprise there . Don't mess with Texas Republicans. Too bad they didn't stand up when Wilson made the remark.
If any members of Congress should have been admonished it should have been Sen. Dick"Turban" Durbin for comparing US troops to Nazi SS troops; Sen John "Swift Boat" Kerry, for accusing US troops in Iraq of terrorizing women and children in the middle of the night; Rep. John "Porky Pig" Murtha for calling US Marines "cold blooded" killers and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for saying the War on Terror "was lost."
Wilson was correct in reminding the American people that there are far more important issues facing the nation than admonishing a member of Congress for challenging a lying president. Like the ongoing War on Terror downgraded to an "Overseas Contingency Operation" by the Obama administration. Obama has a "cut and run" policy underway in Iraq and is waffling on sending additional troops to Afghanistan where US casualties are increasing daily in the fight against enemy Taliban forces.
In the meantime US Attorney General Eric Holder is investigating CIA agents for "torturing" enemy prisoners. One can only ponder why Holder isn't going after the scumbag terrorists who tortured and beheaded Nicolas Burg, Daniel Pearl and American GIs.
In his latest act of appeasement Obama cancelled a Bush plan for an anti ballistic missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Just in time for the 70th anniversary of Russia's attack on Poland in WWII. Talk about stabbing an ally in the back. That must have had Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a former Soviet KGB high ranking official, and his Russian thugs dancing in the streets of Moscow while drinking Vodka.
The dictator of Iran, President Amadinejad, surely hailed this as a big victory and an encouragement to pursue the development of intercontinental nuclear missiles with renewed vigor.
Amadinejad, Libya's Qaddafi, and the thug Robert Mugabe are scheduled to speak before the United Nations this week. I'm sure they will be hailed as heroes by the anti-America UN. Don't be surprised to hear that Obama had a secret meeting with this trio of skunks in the bowels of the White House during their UN visit.
With the war in Iraq and Afghanistan still raging; the American economic in shambles and employment nearing double digits Obama is racing from congressional speeches and TV appearances trying to convince the American people to endorse a socialist/communist style health care system.
The Democrat sponsored Town Hall meetings with huge crowds of Americans showing up and telling congressional Democrats, "We don't want socialized medicine," seems to have escaped Obama's attention.
Regardless, the big priority in the US Congress was to get that nasty, Joe Wilson for standing up for America.
Way to go Joe Wilson. Give them hell, Sir!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ted Kennedy Villain or Statesman
Not much was known of Joseph Kennedy other than he was his father Joseph's early pick to be President some day. WWII ended that dream. John F., on the other hand, became the next in line to accomplish his father's wish for one of his sons to be President. Robert Kennedy took up the challenge following the tragic death of President Kennedy by an assassin's bullet.
We now know that John and Robert Kennedy were a couple of womanizers and high rollers. Joseph Kennedy Sr was a known bootlegger and fixer within the political network of good old boys. The Kennedy boys grew up rich and led the socialite life style - wine, women and song. Teddy boy fit right in.
They say you shouldn't kick someone when they're down or say bad things about them when they die. Maybe so for the general rule of being a nice guy. As an old combat soldier, I always put a couple of extra rounds into the bad guys that I shot to make sure they stayed down. I also cussed the poor bastards later. As General Patton said, "Make the other poor son-of-a-bitch die for his country." I always thought that made a lot of sense.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, 1932-2009, was the third longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate behind Robert KKK Byrd (D-WV) and Strom Thurman (R-SC), serving 47 years before his death. He was first elected in November, 1962 and was elected nine times. He was one of the Senate's most liberal senators. And today's, mostly liberal, socialist, media have made him one of America's greatest ever "Statesman."
Edward M. Kennedy, most often referred to by his nickname "Teddy" (Rose Kennedy called her fourth son Teddy after her grandfather Edward who she also called Teddy) was no statesman. He was a spoiled rich kid who never worked a day in a private-sector job. As I said to a friend, the only two good deeds Kennedy ever did for his country was 1. Die and 2. Serve briefly in the U.S. Army (even then, with the help of his father, he avoided the Korean War by serving in Europe and only served half of his enlistment before being discharged as a PFC).
He was expelled twice at Harvard for cheating. While going to law school in Virginia he was cited for reckless driving four times. He was a known drunkard. Despite his reckless actions on and off campus, he managed to pass the bar exam in 1959.
In 1964 he was seriously injured in a plane crash and hospitalized for several months. Hospital tests showed that he was highly intoxicated (drunk) at the time of the accident.
Kennedy's biggest scandal occurred on July 19, 1968, during a drinking party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts. Shortly after 11:00 pm he offered to give Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker, a ride home. Both had been heavily drinking at the time. Kopechne climbed in the back seat and laid down. A short time later, with Kennedy behind the wheel and Kopechne asleep in the back seat of the Oldsmobile limousine, the car careened off the bridge of the road and turned over into Poucha Pond.
Kennedy managed to escape from the overturned, submerged car and swim to shore. He then walked back to the party leaving Kopechne trapped in the back seat of the car. Instead of reporting the incident to the police, Kennedy went back to his hotel and went to sleep. He called the police the following morning. By then the police had discovered the Oldsmobile in the Poucha Pond. Kopechne had scratched at the upholstery on the floor of the overturned car trying to get out. Authorities believe there was an air pocket above her head and she probably survived for a period of time before drowning. Had Kennedy summoned help, they may have been able to save Kopechne.
Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and was given a suspended sentence of two months. So much for justice. Had it been anyone else without the political connections of the Kennedy's, they would have been behind bars for a long time. Statesman - not in my book.
In his nearly fifty years in the U.S. Senate Kennedy did much damage to the nation with his socialist driven legislative agenda. He played a major part in allowing millions of illegal immigrants to cross our unsecured borders. He was a strong advocate of granting amnesty to all illegals. He was an outspoken advocate of more and more gun control - a staunch anti-Second Amendment politician who favored banning the private ownership of firearms in America. He supported Flag burning, same-sex marriage, homosexuals in the military, Global Warming (now referred to as climate change) and opposed the War on Terror. He was in favor of every social crackpot scheme dreamed up by the Democrats including socialized medicine.
He was well known for endless and degrading grilling of Republican Supreme Court nominees. His scathing remarks directed against Robert Bork, Reagen's USC nominee, became known as the infamous "Borking" of a nominee. Kennedy had the audacity to grill nominees on "what was right." What a jerk.
He was a well known drunk and womanizer around the Washington DC area. A real loud mouthed, foul minded individual who had a reputation for practically molesting women on restaurant and night club tables and booths while in a drunken stupor.
Well, there you have it. Judge for yourselves - Villain (skunk) or Statesman?
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Liberty Tree - Time To Refresh
As far as the OPR H&S gang is concerned Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers were just a bunch of mostly nasty, mean, old white guys and slave owners. It's time to build a new America they say. Modeled after socialism a more Marxist state. Whether we like or not that's where we're headed.
In 1878, Senator Benjamin Hill said, "I do not dread industrial corporations as instruments of power to destroy this country. But there is one corporation we may all dread: that corporation is the federal government. If this ambitious, ever-growing corporation become oppressive, who shall check it. If it become unjust, who shall trust it. Watch and guard with sleepless dread that corporation which can make all property and the rights of all states and people, all liberty and hope, its playthings in an hour, its victims forever." Senator Hill must have had a crystal ball to see so far into the future. To predict, with such accuracy, what is happening in America in the year 2009. Scary.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of men like Ronald Reagen and other stalwart conservatives, America has been drifting towards socialism. Organizations, like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Communist Union would be a better name, have been relentless in attacking the values that made America great. Removing God, bible and prayer from our public schools was one of their biggest victories. Many of our freedoms are being swept away like dry leaves in the wind.
Just take a look what Obama has done, with the help of the Pelosi/Reid gang of socialists and traitors, in the first 100 days of his presidency. He has bankrupt the nation with his stimulus scam; nationalized a big part of the automobile industry; taken over the banking and financial institutions; pushed a Cap and Trade tax scam through the House and is doing his damnest to cram socialized medicine down the throats of Americans. Anyone opposed to Obama Care is being branded as un-American. The White House is calling for the names of these un-American types to be reported to the administration. Big Brother is watching us.
The Republicans have been pushed into a corner and found themselves in a pitiful minority in the House and especially in the Senate with the Democrats holding a 60 seat majority. The Republicans only have themselves to blame. Many deserted their conservative values and went along to get along. The Cap and Trade bill would not have passed the House had eight Republicans not voted for its passage. The Republicans are starting to fight back but no real leader has yet to surface. There has to a leader out there somewhere. Time is running out.
In the meantime the Republicans are going to have to rid themselves of the RINOs Republicans in name only. Sen. Arlan Spector, ex-presidential candidate, left on his own and good riddance. The rest like Collins and Snowe and the eight turncoats in the House need to be given the boot.
The one good thing about the Obama health care scam is that it has finally aroused Americans to take a hard look at what's going on in their government. And as the old saying goes, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." Of all of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid socialist schemes this one has them on the defensive for a change. If Americans can't see what's happening to their country they may just as well turn in their guns, run up the white flag and kiss America goodbye. Relegated to the dustbin of history.
"Revolution" is in the air - you hear it more and more these days. Popular radio and TV talk show host Glenn Beck in his new book "Common Sense" calls for a peaceful, non-violent "Revolution." We may well have a revolution but I'm not so sure it will be as peaceful or non-violent as Beck and others suggest.
The vast majority of those showing up at the infamous "Town Hall" meetings are middle-aged to senior "White" citizens, many of whom are life long Democrats. They are not happy campers and congressional Democrats are running for cover like a bunch of sewer rats. They can't take the heat.
As a nearly 74-year-old white guy, honky, gringo, etc., I've always been upset with the way whites have been shoved aside by minorities. The "get even" mentality is obvious to most whites when they see a Hispanic or Black Chamber of Commerce, African American Week, American Indian Week, Asia-American Week, Black Miss America, and on and on. Yet, if anyone dared to suggest a White American Week or a white anything there would be hell to pay. Scared to death of being called a racist most whites have remained silent.
The socialist goals of the Obama administration have been a wake up call for Americans, a call to action and white Americans are going to lead the charge according to a patriotic black man by the name of James David Manning, PhD, author of the Oblation Hour.
Here's a part of what Manning had to say about Obama who he calls "Mack Daddy:" "There's going to be a revolution, Patrick Henry style, in America where red blooded, God fearing, Jesus loving Americans are going to stand up and say "we're not going to take it anymore." There's going to be riots in the streets. Worse than the riots in South Los Angeles after they acquitted the cops who beat up Rodney King. Black people riots - you haven't seen anything yet. White folks are tired of the long legged Mack Daddy kicking them in the face every time he gets up and lies to them.
You get these white folks all riled up - the members of the NRA are going to come into black neighborhoods. White people are being pushed around, kicked to the curb, having their rights denied, being called racists. Being walked on, watching their tax dollars go to fund all kinds of drug sales, prostitution, illegal immigration. Pushing white folks where they are not going to take it anymore.
He (Obama) is destroying the fabric and fiber of the nation. You're going to see an uprising in the nation. White folks are ready to riot and I don't blame them. White folks are forming right now - I hope they let me join them.
Everybody knows the man (Obama) is an illegal alien. The man is not a citizen of the United States. They need to get this long legged Mack Daddy, this two tongued liar, this quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak called Barack Hussein Obama out of the White House."
Wow - Tough talk James Manning. Way to go! It has finally taken a proud, God fearing, patriotic black American to tell it like it is. Let's hope the Obama White House and congressional Democrats and their cohorts in the liberal, socialist, anti-America, anti-military media get the message. White folks are rising up!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Michael "Buckwheat" Jackson Is Gone
A friend of mine, when learning of Jackson's death, said "Buckwheat" died. Jackson was a child star and so was "Buckwheat" played by a little black kid by the name of William Thomas Jr in the "Little Rascals" movies in the late 1930s. Buckwheat Thomas was born March 12, 1931 and died in 1980 of a heart attack. As far as we know Buckwheat never molested little boys or tried to make himself white.
One thing is for certain - character means nothing anymore in America. Especially if you're a pop icon, movie or TV star, governor, congressman or the POTUS. All that matters is appearance. If you can sing, act, or lie well enough you can be at the top of your profession or gig. Michael Jackson had talent but he sure as hell came up short on character.
Let's face it folks - it's becoming more and more difficult to find a public figure in the entertainment or political field that has any moral character left. Lie, steal, cheat, and molest your way to fame and fortune. It's the new American way. Michael Jackson proved it works. So did Bill Clinton. The Hollywood crowd speaks for itself.
I have a hard time feeling sorry over Jackson's death. Here is a man who acted like some kind of nut hiding behind dark glasses and wearing white gloves. He had so many nose jobs that his nose looked like a wad of gum. He paid $22 million to shut up a young boy he was accused of molesting and admitted to sleeping with several other young boys. He had sham marriages that ended in divorce. One to Lisa Marie Presley, that must have had Elvis turning over in his grave, and a second to Deborah Rowe his nurse. Jackson and Rowe had two children by artificial insemination and a third by an anonymous surrogate.
In 2002, in demonstrating what a nutcase he was, Jackson dangled his infant son over a high rise balcony. He was a known drug addict and was skin and bones and bald when he kicked the bucket. He was badly burned when his hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial and was forced to wear a wig. His personal life was definitely nothing to stand up and cheer about.
It should also be noted that Jackson didn't live up to the old adage among African-Americans that "black is beautiful." Jackson was not black black but brown or ebony skinned. Yet, he didn't try to make himself more brown or black. No, he made himself white - he wanted to be white not black.
As stated character means nothing anymore. You can be the biggest scumbag in the world and still be loved and adored by your fans and supporters. All you have to do is be successful as an entertainer or politician. And not let your scumbag activities catch up to you. Although Jackson, at one time, was one of the richest entertainers around he was deep in debt at the time of his death. He was famous and infamous at the same time.
The Rev. Al Sharpton lost no time in hogging the spotlight following Jackson's death. Sharpton showed up at a press conference with Michael's father Joe Jackson concerning child custody, Michael's Will and funeral arrangements. Sharpton took the opportunity to promote Joe Jackson's new record company. Sharpton not only wanted the publicity but also wanted to cash in on the record company. Leave it to Sharpton to take full advantage of the situation. I'm surprised they didn't blame Bush for Michael's death.
It's no secret that Michael hated his father and it's unlikely that he would have wanted him to represent him after his passing.
If there was any justice left in America Michael Jackson would have probably died in prison or been an old man when his sentence was up. In the meantime the Jackson clan will be fighting over anything left of Jackson's debt-ridden estate.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Obama Fiddles While Tehran Burns
Obama has expressed concern over the protests and the violence in Iran but has refused to interfere with the June, 2009 presidential election. "It's not productive, given the history of US-Iranian relations, to be seen as meddling," he told reporters. I'm sure that had Ahmadinejad and his cronies dancing in the streets.
While North Korea continues to give us the finger and is threatening to launch a missile at Hawaii and Iran is close to a civil war, Obama is taking a "wait and see" approach. So much for standing up for freedom and liberty for the people of North Korea and the Iranian people who are being shot down in the streets of Tehran by armed thugs.
One young lady protester, 26-year-old Neda Agha-Soltan, was gunned down as she marched. Friends tried in vain to save her as she bled to death on the street. Her slaying at the hands of the Revolutionary Guards was captured on video and seen around the world. Neda has become a martyr for freedom in Iran. You haven't heard Obama say anything about her sacrifice.
Let's face it, Obama is a Muslim. He's one of them. After all he wanted to sit down with Iran's scumbag dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and cut a deal to sell out America while citing passages from the Koran. The next thing you know he'll be trying to cut a deal with North Korea's pint-sized dictator Kim Jong-il. He has already gone along with the ludicrous UN directive that US Navy ships can't stop and board North Korean ships suspected of carrying contraband weapons without their permission. Admiral Bull Halsey must be turning over in his grave.
Obama's inaction has been a signal for tyrants, dictators and terrorists around the world that America has become a paper tiger. One thing is for certain America's enemies have nothing to fear from our "wait and see" president.
If Ronald Reagan were President today, you can bet North Korea wouldn't be aiming missiles at us. And Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs wouldn't get away with hijacking the election and gunning down peaceful protesters. We wouldn't be pulling out of Iraq before the job is done either.
In April, 1986, following the bombing of a club in West Berlin by Libyan terrorists that killed two US servicemen and wounded 200 civilians, Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya. US fighter jets bombed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's compound and several military targets, including sinking two navy gunships. Qaddafi became silent and meek as a church mouse after that.
Lest we forget, it was Iranian militants that seized the US Embassy in Nov. 1979 and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Ahmadinejad was one of the militants. Following a failed rescue mission President Carter continued to wring his hands in despair The minute Reagan was elected President the hostages were released.
President Reagan visited the Berlin Wall in 1987 and in a famous speech said, "Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall." In 2009 President Obama visits Germany and tells the world what a rotten country America is.
We can thank former President Jimmy Carter for much of the mess in Iran today. In 1979 the Shah of Iran, a pro-American leader, was ousted and replaced by a fierce anti-American Ayatollah Khomeni. Khomeni called the US the great Satan and a nation of infidels. Carter stood by and did nothing to help the Shah who was forced into exile.
Carter continues to stick his liberal nose into foreign affairs and hasn't found a terrorist organization that he doesn't like. America would be much better off if Carter stayed on his peanut farm in Georgia. So far Obama, without any help from Carter, has managed to bankrupt the nation; apologize to all of our enemies and trash our allies.
The Iran government or dictatorship, has depended on the Revolutionary Guards to protect it and keep citizens in line. And has used the Guard and riot police to confront demonstrators protesting the June 12 presidential elections.
The supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has four layers of security forces to deal with protesters. The first two are police officers and the Basij Militia whose members have some military training and number an estimated three million nationwide.
The third and most reliable is the 120,000 member Revolutionary Guards, formed after the 1979 revolution because the mullahs didn't trust the military and wanted their own force. The Revolutionary Guards have their own land, naval and air forces. Ahmadinejad was a commander in the Guards during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War.
The fourth layer is the 430,000 member regular army, the Artesh. Their main mission is to protect Iran's border. Most members are conscripts and serve a mandatory two years of service and aren't normally used to deal with civil unrest.
Regardless, Iran has a powerful, well armed and equipped force to deal with civil unrest. The new leader of the Revolutionary Guards is Mohammad Ali Jafari, a guerrilla warfare expert trained in insurgency tactics. He has decentralized the Guard and given more authority to to commanders in each of Iran's 30 provinces.
Jafari has also combined the the Basij militia forces with the Guards for training. Ahmadinejad has made sure both forces are well funded and equipped.
There have been reports that the opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi has some support from within the ranks of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia. One report cited a decorated Revolutionary Guards commander was arrested for refusing to take action against protesters. Any large defections from the ranks could play into Mousavi's hands. Whether Mousavi would be a more moderate leader willing to come to terms with the US is still a big question.
Ahmadinejad hasn't changed his rhetoric and repeats his plan to "wipe Israel off the map" and denies that the Holocaust took place. And this the guy Obama wants to sit down and meet with. Reminds me of the infamous meeting British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin had with Hitler in 1938. Chamberlin signed the Munich Agreement and declared it was "peace in our time." The following year Hitler invaded Poland and Britain declared war on Germany. So much for appeasement.
Republicans have finally decided to speak out against Obama's no meddling policy. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) said, "The human tragedy continues in Iran. Around the world people are inspired by the courage of the Iranian people fighting for free elections, using new media tools like Twitter to ensure their voices are heard by all of us. America has a moral responsibility to stand up for these brave people."
"The administration's position that what's going on in Iran is a 'vigorous debate' is absurd, he added. "People are are being brutalized and murdered by the regime in Tehran. We have no idea exactly how many have died or have been seriously injured, since the regime has restricted journalists' ability to report. In no way do these actions constitute a 'vigorous debate.'" Way to go Congressman Eric Cantor!
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has repeatedly accused Obama for a weak response to the situation in Iran and said the President should declare the elections "a sham." "People are being killed and beaten in the streets of Tehran and all over Iran, and we should stand up for them. The way we stood up for the Polish workers in Gdansk, the way we stood up for the people of then Czechoslovakia in the Prague Spring and we stood up for freedom in every part of the world. We're not doing that," he said. I guess Mac deserves a pat on the back.
If we had a President with a pair, which we don't, Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei would be given 24 hours to pack up and leave Iran. If they don't they would be removed by superior US military force. Mousavi would be given a chance to form a new government with the stipulation that the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia be disarmed and disband. Further, that all nuclear programs be scrapped. Failure to do so will result in military action to destroy all nuclear sites. Finally, that the Mousavi government recognize Israel's right to exist and to stop all aid to Hezbollah and all terrorist organizations.
North Korea would be given notice that if they fire one more rocket or missile the United States will respond with full military force. All nuclear programs will cease immediately and nuclear sites will be dismantled. The North Korean dictator and his sons will be given 24 hours to leave North Korea and seek political asylum. The North Korean military will immediately stand down and surrender all weapons and equipment to the South Korean military. All North Korean ships at sea will return to port or be sunk by US Naval forces. Failure to fully comply will result in the United States declaring war on North Korea. The use of nuclear weapons against North Korea will not be ruled out. Once this action has been taken the remaining government of North Korea will be abolished and North and South will be reunited as a country under the government of South Korea.
To rebuild our military and to deal with contingencies in a world full of danger the military draft will be immediately reinstated and a call up of draftees ordered.
Finally, the United States will withdraw from the United Nations and will order the UN to immediately leave the United States. The UN building will be demolished, starting with the twisted gun barrel revolver monument at the entrance, and the site turned into a national park site honoring US military veterans.
If Obama wants to become a great President - here's his chance. What about it Mr. President?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
North Korea Thumbs Nose At US (Again)
Unfortunately, much of the world has never loved us to begin with. And North Korea is close to the top of the list and showed it with their latest "take this America" missile launches and saber rattling. Osama Bin Laden aka Osama Bin Hidden was quick to release an "up yours America" video immediately following "we love Muslims" speech by Obama. This must have troubled the Messiah greatly after extending a hand of friendship to the terrorists while quoting from the Koran.
BTW I thought Obama was going to hunt down Osama and kill him during the first 100 days of his administration. That would explain why Osama is upset with Obama.
His peace overtures to Hamas, Hezbollah and the thugs in Iran, at Israel's expense, didn't get the response he wanted. Iran's little Hitler Mahmoud Ahmadinejad still wants to wipe Israel off the map and is charging ahead with his nuclear weapons program. In a surprise move Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually started screeching that the US would retaliate with military force if Iran launched a nuclear missile attack on Israel. I guess she cleared that with the Messiah first. Anyhow, at the very least she deserves an "atta girl" for putting the little rat on notice.
In the end if anything is done about Iran's nuclear sites it will probably be up to Israel to take them out. In June, 1981, Israeli fighter jets took out nuclear sites in Iraq. In 2007 they knocked out nuclear sites in Syria being built by North Korea. Israel doesn't appeal to the United Nations or rely on diplomatic rhetoric when it comes to defending their country and its citizens. They kick butt big time. Way to go Israel.
Gen. MacArthur tried to tell President Harry Truman that there was no "substitute for victory" during the Korean War 1950-53, but Truman fired him anyway for insisting on winning the war. President Reagen pointed out that the Korean War was our first no win war. Where it was okay to fight and die but not win because it might start a bigger war. In the end we cut and run and left a bunch of North Korean armed, communist thugs in charge above the 38th Parallel. In Vietnam we just cut and run and sold out South Vietnam to another bunch of armed, communist thugs who are now running the entire country.
Today North Korea is ruled by Kim Jong-il, a pint-sized dictator, who is threatening to nuke everyone. Despite the fact that his people are practically starving to death, he continues to pursue his nuclear weapons program and maintain one of the largest standing armies in the world. North Korea's military, at last count, numbered over 1.2 million strong compared to South Korea's 680,000. There are over 30,000 US military personnel stationed in South Korea prepared to backup the South Korean military from an attack by the North.
North Korea has learned by now that the United Nations is a totally worthless and incompetent organization. The US has threatened sanctions and blockades and hints at military action over the years but much of it was mostly bluffs. And Kim Jong-il knows it. He also knows that he can probably get away with a lot more now that Obama is president.
Obama called North Korea's latest missile launch "provocative" and pledged to take action at a UN Security Council meeting. In other words the US will do nothing but make another "complaint" to the worthless, anti-America UN. A move that must have really scared the hell out of North Korea.
Hillary also lost her screeching voice and threats to retaliate over the incident and "discussed" it with her Japanese counterpart Foreign Minister Hirofumi. Make that "let's do nothing." Hillary and Obama had campaigned on who was best able to take a "3 am" emergency call to the White House. As it turns out neither one was up to the task.
Obama has his hands full with the increased fighting in Afghanistan, plans to pull out of Iraq and closing GITMO. Now he has Iran and North Korea raising hell. Still, his main concern seems to be in nationalizing as much of the private sector as he can and as fast as he can. He has already bankrupted the nation and run up the largest national debt in the history of the country. That humming noise you hear is government printing presses churning out new money 24/7. His next move is to pack the courts with socialist judges. While all of this is going on he continues to "apologize" to the rest of the world and tell them what a rotten country America is.
You can bet the world is watching the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang of socialists run America into the ground. America's enemies are certainly watching and plotting. They see us anxious to cut and run in Iraq and less than aggressive in Afghanistan. They see us waffle on North Korea and Iran and our questionable support of Israel in their fight against Hamas and other terrorist outfits. They see the President of the United States travelling around the world bowing down to Arab leaders and running down America with his "apologetic" speeches.
They see a continued reluctance to secure our borders and deal with illegal immigration. They see an indifferent response to the growing Muslim presence in America and the thousands of Muslim mosques being built throughout the country. They see a government trying its damnedest to disarm its citizens. They see an America that is ripe for widespread terrorist attacks throughout the country.
America had better wake up before it's too late. As Barry Goldwater once said, "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice." Goldwater was right but like so many truly, patriotic Americans he isn't around anymore. Who is looking out for America? The Democrats and the RINOs sure as hell aren't.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Call Me Barack Hussein Obama
What's the mutual interest and respect? The Muslims look upon Americans as a bunch of infidels and their main interest is on how many of us they can kill. The Muslim world danced in the streets when Muslim terrorists flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing over 3,000 Americans. Included in the death toll were the passengers and crew in a third hijacked plane they forced down in a field in Pennsylvania. All aboard were killed along with the terrorists who hijacked the plane. The third plane was headed for the US Capital.
Over 4,000 American troops have been killed fighting Muslim terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past six years in the War on Terror. And the fighting rages on as troops hold on in Iraq and open a new front in Afghanistan. Obama doesn't even call it a war anymore, it's a "Contingency Operation" whatever in the hell that means. Department of Homeland Security Director, Janet Napolitano, calls terrorist attacks "man made disasters."
Obama proclaimed, "Violent extremists had breed fear and that the cycle of suspicion and discord must end." That's true enough but it hasn't been America that has been the violent extremists breeding fear and the cycle of suspicion and discord. It's been Muslim terrorists and nothing has changed.
Obama blamed America for "years of distrust" and said both sides needed to make a "sustained effort to respect one another and seek common ground." Again, it's the Muslim terrorists who attacked us in the first place. They aren't the least bit interested in respecting us and seeking common ground. When it comes to respect the only thing they respect is superior US firepower. As far as common ground is concerned they're only interested in the ground needed to bury us. After that they want all the ground.
Obama said that America was not at war with Islam, but would confront violent extremists who threaten our security. Islam is at war with America. They're called terrorists Mr. President. And we need to kill them before they kill us. American troops aren't in Iraq and Afghanistan on a USO goodwill tour. They're there to take the fight to the terrorists and kill or capture them and destroy their potential to wage war. The mission of the military is to fight and win wars.
Muslim terrorists chief drum beater, al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, hasn't embraced Obama's latest pro-Muslim speech and said so from his cave hideout deep in the Pakistan mountains. In a tape recorded message aired on Arabic al-jazeera TV Bin Laden said, "Obama and his administration have planted seeds for hatred and revenge against America." He went on to say, "Let the American people prepare to continue to reap what has been planted by the heads of the White House in the coming years and decades." Sounds like more threats to me. So much for Obama kissing up to the Muslims.
Bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, the scumbag terrorist with a big dent in his forehead, also trashed Obama's speech and urged Muslims to ignore it because "Mr. Obama's bloody message in Iraq and Afghanistan would not be concealed by polished words." Even old Zawahiri recognizes a smooth talking con man when he hears one.
Obama gave Iran's little "Hitler" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to wipe Israel off the map, a vote of support when he said,"No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons" and made it clear that Iran had a right to peaceful nuclear power. Really. Why would anyone believe that Iran would possibly contemplate wiping out Israel with a nuclear missile. I suppose this goes for North Korea's nuclear ambitions. Why they have been firing missiles to test for a future moon landing or a space station.
During the presidential campaign it was forbidden by the Obama campaign to mention his middle name "Hussein." To do so was the "kiss of death" for reporters and liberal TV news stations and political opponents. How dare anyone call him Hussein. However, when Obama gave his pro-Muslim speech he proudly declared to the whole world - You can call me Barack Hussein Obama! Yes, all you dumb Americans who voted for me - I'm a Muslim!
Throughout his speech Obama refused to use the words Muslim terrorists and referred to them as "violent extremists."
Obama said that the bond with Israel was "unbreakable." Then he said the "situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable." True, but it's because of terrorists like Hamas and their allies in Iran and Syria, not Israel who has only responded when attacked.
Obama then called for a halt to further construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton echoed Obama's comments and said," Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exception. We think it is in the best interest of the effort that we are engaged in that settlement expansion cease." So much for the "unbreakable" bond with Israel.
Where are the Republicans in response to Obama's kissing up to the Muslim's speech. The silence has been deafening. All standing around with their heads bowed and their thumbs up their butts. So far the only ones to blast the speech have been radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Rush has led the charge. Keep it up Rush.
Americans will pay a heavy price for Obama selling out the country to a bunch of Muslims and telling the world what a rotten place America is. The only real democracy in the region Israel has been stabbed in the back by Obama and Hillary Clinton in favor of Hamas terrorists and Iran's dictator.
It's a sad time for America when it's president travels overseas and consorts with an enemy who has vowed to kill us.
America has long been a bastion of freedom and liberty and became a world power, not through aggression, but as a result of freedom and liberty for its people. You didn't hear Obama speak about that. America has also freed millions of peoples world wide and asked for nothing in return except their friendship. Over a quarter million American GI's died defeating Germany, Japan and Italy in WWII. Once defeated we helped rebuild those countries. The only ground asked for was enough to bury our war dead. You didn't hear Obama speak about that. America is the first to respond with aid in natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and typhoons. Never asking for it to be repaid. You didn't hear Obama talk about that.
What has the Muslim world done besides murder and plunder and create havoc worldwide? Now Obama wants to " respect them" and "seek common ground." It reminds me of the story about the old shopkeeper who, after being beaten and robbed at gunpoint several times, finally told the robber, "Look we could be friends if you'd just stop beating and robbing me all the time."
I fear that Obama has only encouraged Muslim terrorists to continue the fight until we are battling them in the streets and cities of America. Time will tell.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Femi Nazi Hispanic Racist Named To High Court
Obama praised Sotomayor as an inspiring woman who "will make a great justice." He went on to say, "Judge Sotomayor has worked at almost every level of our judicial system, providing her with a depth of experience and a breadth of perspective that will be invaluable as a Supreme Court justice. Obama does have a way with words.
Obama is right about one thing, Sotomayor will be invaluable in supporting his socialist/communist/Muslim agenda. Obama wanted a radical, liberal socialist on the high court and he has one. There is little doubt that Sotomayor will be handily confirmed by the Senate despite any objections by Republicans.
Sotomayor makes no doubts that she is a liberal, socialist, activist judge and admits that the court of appeals is as she said, "where policy is made." To hell with the Constitution seems to be the message here.
She is also a racist and once said that Latino women make better judges than white males. "I would hope a wise Latino woman with the riches of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion (as a judge) than a white male who hasn't lived that life," she said. Well now, can't be much plainer than that.
Sotomayor voted to threw out promotions for Haven, Conn. white firefighters because too few minorities did well on the exam. In the 2008 Ricci v. DeStefano case Sotomayor sided with the city that used racially discriminatory practices to deny promotions. Never mind that the white firefighters were top scorers on the exam. We can't have those nasty, white guys getting promotions based on high test scores and merit. Not until all the blacks and other minorities with low exam scores and poor work ethics are first promoted. Then maybe we'll give the whites a couple of promotions.
Sotomayor's colleague, Judge Jose Cabranas, a Clinton appointee, was very critical of her decision. The case is presently under review by the Supreme Court.
In a Berkley speech a few years ago, she said, "It is appropriate for a judge to consider their experiences as women of color. Really, I thought justice was to be judged solely under the Constitution and that justice was "blind." Experiences as a "person of color" should have no bearing on the case being judged.
Sotomayor has a horrible record of reversals by the Supreme Court as a result of her lousy decisions as an appeals court judge. Never mind that she has a terrible track record as a judge, she's a liberal, socialist Hispanic and a racist. Just the type of judge Obama wants on the high court. Let's face it, Obama may need all the judicial activism he can muster if his real "birth certificate" is made public.
On the Republican side Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, will lead any opposition to Sotomayor's confirmation which at this point appears to be rather flimsy.
"She must prove her comment to impartiality based on the law rather than based on her own personal politics, feelings and preferences," Cornyn said. That will be hard to prove since she has already demonstrated in her many court decisions just the opposite. He went on to say he would urge his colleagues not to "prejudge or preconfirm" Sotomayor. Given the track record of the present bunch of Republican senators there will probably be more "preconfirming" than prejudging."
Cornyn said he'd ask Sotomayor whether she really felt the role of federal appeals courts was to make policy. Wow, what a really tough question. How will she ever come up with an answer to that one. Bet she says someting like "not really" and thanks for the softball question.
Cornyn then said Sotomayor's opinion in the New Haven firefighters case suggests that her preference is for a quota system of some type when it comes to employment. Suggests my butt. That's exactly what she prefers - a quota system for employment. If this is an example of the Republican opposition to Sotomayor's confirmation why even hold a hearing in the first place.
The Republicans are so damn afraid of alienating the Hispanics that they won't expose Sotomayor for the judicial activist judge she is.
If the Republicans are betting on a Republican comeback in 2010 and 2012 they had better start acting like conservatives instead of a bunch of wimpy, whining RINOs. Opposing the Sotomayer confirmation with the facts and the truth would be a good start otherwise they'll be riding in the back of the bus for the next four or eight years or longer.
Even if they don't have the votes to stop Sotomayor in the full Senate at least they could show a solid wall, with the probable exceptions of RINO Senators Collins and Snowe, of Republican opposition and vote no.
In fact the Republicans could stop Sotomayor as it will take one Republican vote to
confirm her in committee. They could also "filibuster' her confirmation as the Democrats, since the Ron Coleman/Al Franken seat is still in limbo, don't have the votes to stop them.
OMG a filibuster. Not according to the ranking Republican on the committee, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who has weaseled out of a filibuster and speaks for his Republican colleagues. So much for a resurgence of the GOP.
Where are the Republican leaders? The conservatives? The fighters? Americans are wondering. So far the only ones speaking out have been former Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynn. Talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have been strong voices for conservatives.
At least former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted Sotomayer as a ''racist" and called for her to withdraw her appointment. "White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw," Gingrich wrote in an email. Not according to the Democrats Newt. This only applies to Republican appointees.
The Democrats didn't worry about alienating blacks when they tried to derail the appointment of Justice Clarence Thomas. They used every dirty trick in the book to smear and demonize him. They opposed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and finally forced him to resign. And are now trying to have him prosecuted for firing a few US Attorneys. They were critical of Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and did their best to demonize her. Alienating Hispanics and blacks hasn't stopped Democrats if the minorities happen to be Republicans.
The only reason the Democrats didn't attack Colin Powell is because he has been a RINO from the start. He proved that when he came out and publicly supported Obama.
If it hadn't been for Republican President Ronald Reagan, President George H. W. Bush and later President George W. Bush, Powell would have never been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or Secretary of State. If not for President Reagan I doubt that Powell, who also served as Reagan's National Security Advisor, would have been promoted to full general.
In the early 80s, Powell's commander Gen. John Hudachek said Powell was a poor leader and should not be promoted. The fact that Powell was black probably helped him overcome the bad report and still gain promotion to 4-star rank. He owes a lot of his success in the military and later in politics to Republicans. Powell needs to be booted out of the GOP. Let him pal around with Arlan Spector and the Democrats.
Personally, I've just about had it with the Republicans in Congress. Unless they (at least the men) grow some gonads and throw the RINOs under the bus they may as well get used to being a weak, ineffective, minority party relegated to running errands for the Democrats.
In the meantime Obama is going to pack the Supreme Court with judicial activists. Rejoice America - Socialism has arrived in Amerika!
Excuse me, since Janet Napolitano has branded all of us military retirees and veterans as "Right Wing Extremists" I must hurry off and buy more guns and ammo before Obama's "Civilian Security Force" goons show up.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cheney Waterboards Obama's Speech
Obama then called the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay an inherited "mess" that has weakened American national security by providing a rallying cry for enemies. Really now Mr. President that's a big stretch. The terrorists have been determined to kill as many Americans as they can and proved it on 911. Besides these scumbags are growing fat and lazy in GITMO. They're living better there than at any other time in their lives. Special food, Korans, prayer times, excellent medical care, and planning future terrorists attacks when they're released on the streets of US cities and towns.
And who, besides liberal, socialist Democrats and the ACLU, says water boarding and other interrogation policies haven't worked. Obama released our secret interrogation memos to the media and the rest of the world including terrorists. And would have released photos of so-called abuse of terrorist prisoners if not for the outcry from the military and others in his administration, including CIA Director Leon Panetta. Even his own party in Congress refused to approve funds to close GITMO. They don't want these terrorist scumbags running around in their districts either.
If the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang of losers and traitors wanted to come up with an example of torture why not show the video of terrorists beheading Nicolas Berg. I'll bet Nicolas Berg would have chosen water boarding over beheading with a dull knife while his torturers were crying Allah Akbar!
I believe the best thing we can do with GITMO is to turn it into a real WWII type POW compound. No fancy food, let them eat MREs same as our troops, no Korans or prayer rugs, housed in tents, wearing POW uniforms, outside latrines and showers same as our troops and basic medical support. Barbed wire compounds with machine gun towers. Military tribunals complete with firing squads. Those that aren't shot should be dropped off in the middle of an Iraqi desert with a canteen of water and some rations. Let the Iraqis handle them. If caught again by US troops as terrorists they should be summarily executed by a firing squad.
Terrorists aren't covered by the Geneva Convention in the first place. They are a bunch of cowards who wear no military uniforms or identifiable rank as leaders. They torture and murder indescriminately and recognize no rules of warfare. They should be shot outright when captured while attacking US troops or murdering innocent civilians.
The one thing that Obama hadn't counted on in giving his Muhammad Ali "I Am The Greatest" speech was former VP Dick Cheney. Cheney gave his speech across town at the American Enterprise Institute moments after Obama spoke. He said he supported the controversial policies "when they were made, and without hesitation would do so again in the same circumstances." Way to go former Vice President Dick Cheney!" All real Americans agree with you.
Cheney went on, "The point is not to look backward. A lot rides on our President's understanding of the security policies that preceded him. And whatever choices he makes concerning the defense of this country, those choices should not be based on slogans and campaign rhetoric, but on a truthful telling of history."
Obama said he rejected calls for a "truth commission" about the Bush administrations handling of the war on terror because he has "no interest in spending our time re-litigating the policies of the last eight years." That's odd as he bashes Bush every time he gives a speech. I believe that Nancy Pelosi's lies about the CIA interrogation briefings had more to do with changing Obama's mind than investigating Bush's policies ever did.
Obama claimed that GITMO "has weakened American national security" by providing a rallying cry for enemies. What has weakened America's national security has been the defeatist policies of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang. If anything they have encouraged our enemies by portraying America as weak and undecided.
Obama says the paramount responsibility of any president is to keep the American people safe. If he feels that way why in the hell is he bent on closing GITMO and refusing to call the fight against terrorists a war on terror. He even refuses to call them enemy combatants. I wouldn't be surprised if they start calling them "Freedom Fighters."
If Obama were serious he would call for hunting down the terrorists and their cowardly leaders, who have tortured and murdered thousands of innocent men, women and children and beheaded American citizens and our US troops, and put them before a military firing squad. Justice demand no less. Instead he wants to blame the Bush administration and tell the rest of the world what a rotten country America is. Instead of cleaning up a mess Obama is making one. A really big one. He may be a gifted speaker but so far he has been a lousy president.
Cheney clearly "water boarded" Obama's speech in a way that only he could do. "Though, I'm not here to speak for George W. Bush, I am certain that no one wishes the current administration more success in defending the country than we do. What I want to do today is set forth the strategic thinking that drove our policies.," he said.
Cheney went on to say, "Watching a coordinated, devastating attack on our country from an underground bunker at the White House can effect how you view your responsibilities. To make certain our nation country never again faced such a day of horror, we developed a comprehensive strategy." Can't be any plainer than that and it kept America safe from another attack for eight years.
Despite the best efforts of the socialist Democrats to demonize and ridicule him, with his speech Cheney became the spokesman for all real Americans who still believe in their country and taking the fight to the enemy in the "War on Terror." Where are the rest of the Republican Party members in all of this? Who among them will take up the cause that Dick Cheney has so ably articulated to the American people?
Samuel Adams said it well, "The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men." The Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang would do well to heed his warnings.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The First 100 Days
Former Sen. Fred Thompson says President Obama has revealed his "naivete, ineptitude and arrogance" as he deals with matters of national security. Former Vice President Dick Cheney sees Obama as a weak president who criticizes America on foreign trips and embraces our enemies like Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. "What I find disturbing is the extent to which he has gone to Europe, for example, and seemed to apologize profusely in, and then to Mexico, and apologize there, and so forth," Cheney said.
On his first foreign trip Obama told the French people,"In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." It was pointed out by a reporter that Obama gave his speech a few hundred miles from the beaches of Normandy where over 2,500 "arrogant" American GIs were killed in less than an hour by German gunners on June 6, 1944.
Cheney has labeled Obama as a weak president. A dangerous president would be a more accurate label. There's little doubt that he has made Americans less safe by many of his reckless actions when it comes to defending the nation. Former President Ronald Reagan said,"Our foreign policy should be based on the principle that we will go anywhere and do anything that has to be done to protect our citizens from unjust treatment. Our national defense policy should back that up with force." Couldn't make it any clearer than that. Too bad Obama has largely ignored the policy.
Aside from apologizing to the world on what a rotten country America is he has stuck a knife in the polices that has kept America safe from terrorist attacks for the past eight years. First, he refuses to recognize the "War on Terror" and instead refers to it as a "Foreign Contingency Operation" which is like calling murder an unfortunate social encounter. Then he calls our interrogation techniques of enemy prisoners "torture" and refuses to rule out prosecuting officials in the former Bush administration for coming up with the polices. To make matters worse he released the Top Secret documentation of our interrogation polices to the public. Which is sure to aid the terrorists who want to kill us and destroy our way of life.
Water boarding terrorist suspects, depriving them of sleep, shoving them against a soft wall, playing loud music and making them wear women panties on their heads sure as hell doesn't sound like torture to most Americans. Cutting off the heads of innocent civilians and American troops after nearly beating them to death as the terrorists have done and continue to do is real torture. Murder is a better word. Instead of prosecuting Americans for applying non-lethal interrogation techniques on terrorist suspects we should be hunting down the terrorist leaders and trying them as "War Criminals" before a military tribunal. And if convicted taken out and hanged or shot by a firing squad. I'm sure there are many Americans who believe beheading would be a more appropriate way of dealing with them.
Obama also refuses to refer to terrorists taken prisoner on the battlefield as "enemy combatants." What are they if they aren't the enemy? Lost civilians looking for their villages? Since he has determined that terrorists are no longer enemy combatants he plans to close GITMO the military prisoner facility in Guantanamo and move the whatever they are to prisons in the US and try them in civilian courts as thought they were US citizens. What these scumbag terrorists deserve is to be confined in a WWII style POW camp with barbed wire and machine gun towers and trial by a military court.
Obama also thinks the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that allows the National Security Agency to listen to communications between the US and al-Qaida a bad policy. Makes you wonder whose side Obama is on.
During the campaign Obama promised to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden as a top priority of his administration. Really. It's been over a 100 days since he was sworn in as president and I haven't heard that OBL has been killed or captured. Maybe plans to prosecute Americans as torturers of terrorists has put plans to capture the real torturer on hold.
Not only does he want to treat terrorists, who are trying their damnest to kill us, as just another class of US citizens he wants to scuttle much of our military defenses. Reduction of our nuclear defenses, cutback on new weapons systems, aircraft and ships. Defense Secretary Bob Gates (SecDef in the Bush administration) kept on in the Obama administration was thought by most Republicans to be a good move has gone along with a sharp reduction in new fighter aircraft and other so-called cost cutting measures. Gates has proven that he is one of them and to hell with a strong military.
Americans are scratching their heads and wondering what Obama means by a "civilian security force" as large as and as well funded as the military. That's a rather large number when you consider that the the US military, including reserves, totals 2.5 million members. Just what the mission of this "civilian security force" is has never been made clear. They will wear some type of a uniform. Black maybe with armbands? Will they be armed? There was an elected leader in Germany in the 1930s by the name of Adolf Hitler who came up with a similar plan.
Obama doesn't think Americans should be well armed and neither does his Attorney General Eric Holder and the Pelosi/Reid gang of traitors, losers and gun grabbers. If they have their way American gun owners will be reduced to carrying slingshots and throwing rocks. Besides the Obama/Pelosi/Redi gang believes the Second Amendment is all about state militias and duck hunting. To hell with the US Supreme Court ruling that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual, fundamental right.
When it comes to the slump in economy Obama and the Democrats believe that more government is the solution to the problem. And they are more than willing to spend American taxpayers dollars to prove it. So far Obama has spent 2 trillion dollars (and plans to spend more) to jump start the economy by bailing out failing banks and the auto industry who they say are just too big to let fail. Not to worry - the feds are printing truckloads of new 100 dollar bills to pay for this. Most folks have no idea how far in the sky a stack of trillion dollars worth of 100 dollar bills reaches. Click on your computers and find out. Despite all this government help with our tax dollars unemployment continues to climb as more businesses that aren't too big to fail close their doors.
I don't recall reading in history where the government bailed out the stagecoach lines when the railroads came along. The pony express didn't last long and they didn't get a bailout. The government didn't bat an eye when Pan Am Airlines went bottom up and disappeared.
The sad facts are that the ones most responsible for the "Great Ripoff" of the American taxpayers are the Democrats in charge in the US Congress. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangel, "Porky Pig" Murtha, "Dingy" Harry reid, Nancy "Birdbrain" Pelosi, Dick "Turban" Durbin, John "Swift Boat" Kerry and the list goes on. Now this same bunch wants to run the private sector and tell us how big and what kind of a vehicle we should be allowed to buy. And what bank we can do business with. There's a name for this effort to destroy capitalism and let the government run things - Socialism.
And that's where America is headed. A Socialist/Communist/Muslim state. And a dumb bunch of American voters put them in power. The Democrats now control the White House and both Houses of Congress. Now that Arlen "Benedict" Specter the RINO jumped ship and joined the Democrats and Al Franken is probably going to steal Ron Coleman's senate seat they'll have a 60 vote Democrat Senate. The Republicans will be sent to the closets and hallways of Congress and Obama will have his way with the peasants in the new United Socialist Muslim States of Amerika. Can't happen. Don't bet your life on it.
Maybe some of you will remember Obama on the campaign trail where he refused to recognize the playing of the National Anthem or to wear the US Flag lapel pin. What about his close association with Bill Ayers the terrorist and the Reverend Jeremiah "G--D America" Wright. The convicted felon Tony Rezko connection. The nagging question of his birthplace. The fact that he is a politician that came from the most corrupt political machine in the US. Chigcago, run for the past 20 years by Mayor Richard M. Daley.
Barack Hussein Obama is a "Flimflam" man who bluffed his way into the White House. Unfortunately, we're stuck with him for the next four or, God forbid, eight years. For those of you out there in the villages that like big government Obama is your man. For the rest of us we're looking for a new leader. I know one is out there somewhere who will set things right again. The clock is ticking, ticking, ticking.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Terrorist Swine Flu Attack
No one, least of all the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, seems to know what if any connection there may be with possible terrorist organizations and the Mexican drug cartels and other renegade elements.
What if the terrorists have decided to try their hand at "Germ" warfare and start a "Swine Flu" attack against the US? What a better place to plant the virus than Mexico where it could easily spread across the border into the US. Health standards in Mexico are greatly inferior to that of the US. Tuberculosis has already made a big comeback in the US as a result of illegal immigrants infected with the disease. Al Qaida and old, Osama Bin Hidden could care less about killing Mexican or American citizens who are viewed as infidels. After all they have shown that they are more than willing to kill themselves to kill us.
Congressional Democrats who have opposed securing our borders from illegal drugs and immigrants in the past are now calling to secure the border against the Swine Flu outbreak. Congress to the rescue. Hey, we're talking about a possible pandemic that could kill millions here and around the world. Even the idiots in Congress and the White House see the danger and realize that their exulted status doesn't protect them from the Swine Flu bug.
So far the White House and the media have tried to downplay the threat. But it has grabbed the headlines and rumors are beginning to run a little wild. Across the nation schools have been closed, businesses have told employees to stay home if they feel ill and many scheduled events have been postponed. Although there have there have been reports of people falling ill, there have been no reported deaths from the Swine Flu outbreak in the US to date.
There have been over a hundred deaths so far in Mexico attributed to Swine Flu and over 1,500 have fallen ill. Given the apologist mentality of the Obama administration and the Pelosi/Reid crowd don't be surprised if America takes the blame for the Swine Flu outbreak.
Obama has already said the Swine Flu outbreak underlines the need for "socialized" health care. As Obama's chief of staff Ron Emanual has said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
While the politicians are wondering what in the hell to do and world health organizations are trying to cope with the threat, illegal immigrants are pouring across our southern borders by the thousands. How many are bringing the Swine Flu bug with them?
What are our intell types coming up with? Have the terrorist switched from suicide bombings to "Germ" warfare? Who knows? Time will tell.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Navy Seals takeout Somali pirates
I thought at the time she summed it up well. America appeared to be on its knees and where in the hell were our special ops? As a retired Green Beret I knew that somewhere in or near the immediate area off the coast of Somalia the US Military was standing by to rescue the good captain. Standing by for orders from the new president.
This was a test for President Obama and his administration. Would he order a rescue attempt? Authorize the use of military force? The world was watching. He had just made his first foreign visit telling world leaders what an arrogant country America was and bashing his own country in the process. When asked about the incident by reporters Obama said he was discussing housing and dismissed them with a wave of his hand. So much for looking out for an American being held hostage by a bunch of armed, Somali thugs.
I though President Reagen gave the best definition of foreign policy and national defense when he said, "Our foreign policy should be based on the principle that we will go anywhere and do anything that has to be done to protect our citizens from unjust treatment. Our national defense policy should back that up with force." Can't be any plainer and to the point than that.
Although it seems that just about everyone in the Obama administration is either a buffoon or a tax cheat he must have a few top level advisers with common sense. I'm sure someone, a military type, advised the president that it was time to quit pussyfooting around and authorize the use of military force in dealing with the pirates. A voice whispered in his ear, "Now is the time to appear Reagen like Mr President. Give the order and let the military carry it out, Sir."
"Dingy" Harry Reid and Nancy "Birdbrain" Pelosi and their gang of losers and traitors, including the smartest woman in the world Hillary Clinton, probably reacted to the use of force with an "OMG I can't believe he authorized the Navy to kill those poor, unfortunate pirates. How terrible. What will the world think?"
Who gives a rat's butt what the rest of the world thinks. You can bet the scumbag, Somali pirates will think twice before attacking one of our ships on the high seas again.
Regardless of world opinion, US Navy Seals deserve medals for taking out three Somali scumbags with three well placed sniper shots and wounding a fourth in the successful rescue of Captain Phillips. Way to go Navy Seals!
President Obama, finally in authorizing the use of military force, acted like a Commander In Chief. And it works every time it's used if the president issues the order and then let's the military do its job without undue interference from the White House. It worked when Reagen sent the US military into Grenada to rescue US students in Grenada in 1983. And it worked when President Bush one sent US troops into Panama and toppled Noriega and again in Desert Storm One to oust the Iraqi military out of Kuwait. And its been working in Iraq and Afghanistan in spite of the "cut and run" policies of congressional Democrats.
The Korean War, 1950-53, was our first "no win war" where it was okay to fight and die but not win because it might start a bigger war. Truman fired Gen. MacArthur for insisting on winning a war. In Vietnam we just "cut and run" after winning all the battles. President Johnson bragged to reporters that the Air Force "can't bomb an out house in North Vietnam without my approval." As a result of micro managing the Korean and Vietnam Wars from the White House we now have a nut case in North Korea threatening to nuke everyone and a bunch of armed, communist thugs running things in Vietnam. The Carter administration made the same mistake in the failed operation to rescue US hostages in Iran. Give the order then get the hell out of the way is a winning policy.
The failure of the US military operation in the Mogadishu, Somalia under the Clinton administration (Black Hawk Down) is another stark example of failed leadership from the White House. In October, 1993, a 440 man US Delta force launched an operation against Somali Warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid and his rebel force. Outnumbered and refused reinforcements the Delta force suffered heavy casualties in a seventeen hour battle that resulted in eighteen killed and eighty-four wounded. The bodies of dead American soldiers were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu and seen on TV around the world. Clinton responded by withdrawing US troops from Somalia. Another "cut and run" debacle.
The next move for the Obama administration, now that the Somali riffraff has threatened to start killing hostages in retaliation for the deaths of the three pirates, is to order military air strikes on Somali targets including pirate vessels. The only thing these scumbags understand is military force. Every time they hijack a ship we strike a target in Somalia.
The Obama administration should request, in no uncertain terms, other nations join the US in conducting joint military operations against Somali pirates and their bases in Somalia. Speak softly but carry a big stick policy worked well for Teddy Roosevelt. However, in the end it will be up to the US to lead the charge.
The time has also come for merchant shipping to start arming their crews or hire armed security. The US Navy has shown that shooting and killing pirates has a dampening effect on hijacking ships and taking hostages, especially when its a US ship.
The Obama defense team has a chance to institute a "talk softly but carry a big stick" policy in dealing with Somalia and its bunch of pirates. A douse of superior US military firepower would definitely send the right message.
Let's hope the new president is listening.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
RINOS side with Dems on "Porkulus" Bill
Who are the RINO turncoats who sold out to the Democrats? Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. Without their support the Porkulus bill would have gone down in flames. The three RINOS claimed they were able to trim all sorts of "fat" from the bill. Baloney. The bill is so full of pork it should be sold in the bacon section at the local meat market.
Let's hope the voters remember these turncoat RINOS in the next election. Specter is up for re-election in 2010. He should appear on "Turncoat" posters throughout Pennsylvania along with Collins and Snowe in Maine. We now know that Specter received $6.5 billion for a pet medical project that had nothing to do with creating jobs. Eventually, we'll find out what kind of a payoff Collins and Snowe worked out for their stabbing the GOP in the back.
According to Tim Phillips, President, Americans for Prosperity, the Porkulus bill will cost every American household $6,700 of new debt to be paid by their children and grandchildren. He said it will also lead to government-mandated rationing of health care and tramples the right to medical privacy. In a word the failed "Universal Health Care" scam championed by the new Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang censored and ignored any public input in what has become the largest pork and welfare ripoff in history. Except for the three turncoats, Republicans in Congress were cut out of any debate on the bill.
Regardless of public outcry and Republican opposition to the so-called "stimulus plan" it will eventually pass and be signed by Obama. So much for bi-partisanship and reaching out to Republicans by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang.
Obama has been beating the drum and calling for quick passage of the plan to avoid a "catastrophe." What the Democrats want to do is to ram the bill through Congress with little or no debate. They want to destroy capitalism and usher in socialism. According to Obama only the government can solve the economic crisis. The American people are just too dumb and incapable of helping themselves in this crisis. It's up to the government to save all of us poor peasants. Never mind that it was the government that got us into the mess in the first place. Anyone ever hear of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae the government sponsored outfits that went bankrupt forcing banking and credit institutions to make unsecured, faulty home loans?
Has anyone noticed that high gas prices and the economic slump happened during the the past two years of the Democrats running Congress? It was the Democrat leadership that said Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were in great shape when in fact they were riddled with corruption and on the brink of going broke. It may have happened on Bush's watch but it was the Democrat controlled Congress that blocked any efforts to take action against the two failing outfits.
Even when it was revealed that senators Chris Dodd and Charles Schumer and Rep. Barney Frank and other Democrats had profited from shady and questionable dealings with Freddie and Fannie and knew they were both failing no action was taken. Nada, nothing, zip. The liberal media didn't care and the Democrats weren't about to admit their involvement in the cover up.
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), chairman of the powerful Ways and Means committee is in trouble for not paying taxes. Former Sen. Tom Dachle was forced to withdraw his nomination as Health Secretary due to tax problems. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was confirmed despite having tax problems. Rangle and Geithner will play major parts when it comes to implementing the "Porkulus" plan. Hey, so they're tax cheats. So what - it doesn't amount to a "hiccup" according to Sen. "Dingy" Harry Reid.
According to Robert Rector,a Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, the welfare state is about to raise it's ugly head again after being defeated by the Republicans during the presidency of "Slick Willy."
Rector points out that federal welfare will explode to more than 20 percent from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. Once the hidden welfare is counted the total 10-year fiscal burden will not be $816 billion but $1.34 billion. This amounts to $17,400 for each household paying income tax according to Rector.
Rector compares the stimulus plan to a "Trojan Horse" to conceal massive permanent increases in the welfare system. The goal, he adds, is 'spreading the wealth,' not reviving the economy. What it amounts to is socialism.
The three RINO turncoats (idiots) Specter, Collins and Snowe have been dancing in the halls of Congress and telling us what a great tax break deal for us peasants they bargained for with the Democrats. I don't think anyone should hold their breaths in anticipation of receiving a large tax refund check from Uncle Sucker. Unless your an illegal alien you'll be lucky to get a dime. And I wouldn't count on Specter sharing any of his $6.5 million sweetheart deal with any of the peasants in his state.
Before it's all over the Barak Hussein Obama administration is going to make the disastrous Jimmy Carter administration look like a winner. Betcha! Can we say United Socialist States of Amerika?