The Tree of Liberty - Over 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson warned: "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Jefferson's warning has been making the rounds as the American people are finally realizing that an avowed socialist/Muslim has occupied the White House. The Obama/Pelosi/Reid "Hammer and Sickle" gang has taken over the country.
As far as the OPR H&S gang is concerned Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers were just a bunch of mostly nasty, mean, old white guys and slave owners. It's time to build a new America they say. Modeled after socialism a more Marxist state. Whether we like or not that's where we're headed.
In 1878, Senator Benjamin Hill said, "I do not dread industrial corporations as instruments of power to destroy this country. But there is one corporation we may all dread: that corporation is the federal government. If this ambitious, ever-growing corporation become oppressive, who shall check it. If it become unjust, who shall trust it. Watch and guard with sleepless dread that corporation which can make all property and the rights of all states and people, all liberty and hope, its playthings in an hour, its victims forever." Senator Hill must have had a crystal ball to see so far into the future. To predict, with such accuracy, what is happening in America in the year 2009. Scary.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of men like Ronald Reagen and other stalwart conservatives, America has been drifting towards socialism. Organizations, like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Communist Union would be a better name, have been relentless in attacking the values that made America great. Removing God, bible and prayer from our public schools was one of their biggest victories. Many of our freedoms are being swept away like dry leaves in the wind.
Just take a look what Obama has done, with the help of the Pelosi/Reid gang of socialists and traitors, in the first 100 days of his presidency. He has bankrupt the nation with his stimulus scam; nationalized a big part of the automobile industry; taken over the banking and financial institutions; pushed a Cap and Trade tax scam through the House and is doing his damnest to cram socialized medicine down the throats of Americans. Anyone opposed to Obama Care is being branded as un-American. The White House is calling for the names of these un-American types to be reported to the administration. Big Brother is watching us.
The Republicans have been pushed into a corner and found themselves in a pitiful minority in the House and especially in the Senate with the Democrats holding a 60 seat majority. The Republicans only have themselves to blame. Many deserted their conservative values and went along to get along. The Cap and Trade bill would not have passed the House had eight Republicans not voted for its passage. The Republicans are starting to fight back but no real leader has yet to surface. There has to a leader out there somewhere. Time is running out.
In the meantime the Republicans are going to have to rid themselves of the RINOs Republicans in name only. Sen. Arlan Spector, ex-presidential candidate, left on his own and good riddance. The rest like Collins and Snowe and the eight turncoats in the House need to be given the boot.
The one good thing about the Obama health care scam is that it has finally aroused Americans to take a hard look at what's going on in their government. And as the old saying goes, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." Of all of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid socialist schemes this one has them on the defensive for a change. If Americans can't see what's happening to their country they may just as well turn in their guns, run up the white flag and kiss America goodbye. Relegated to the dustbin of history.
"Revolution" is in the air - you hear it more and more these days. Popular radio and TV talk show host Glenn Beck in his new book "Common Sense" calls for a peaceful, non-violent "Revolution." We may well have a revolution but I'm not so sure it will be as peaceful or non-violent as Beck and others suggest.
The vast majority of those showing up at the infamous "Town Hall" meetings are middle-aged to senior "White" citizens, many of whom are life long Democrats. They are not happy campers and congressional Democrats are running for cover like a bunch of sewer rats. They can't take the heat.
As a nearly 74-year-old white guy, honky, gringo, etc., I've always been upset with the way whites have been shoved aside by minorities. The "get even" mentality is obvious to most whites when they see a Hispanic or Black Chamber of Commerce, African American Week, American Indian Week, Asia-American Week, Black Miss America, and on and on. Yet, if anyone dared to suggest a White American Week or a white anything there would be hell to pay. Scared to death of being called a racist most whites have remained silent.
The socialist goals of the Obama administration have been a wake up call for Americans, a call to action and white Americans are going to lead the charge according to a patriotic black man by the name of James David Manning, PhD, author of the Oblation Hour.
Here's a part of what Manning had to say about Obama who he calls "Mack Daddy:" "There's going to be a revolution, Patrick Henry style, in America where red blooded, God fearing, Jesus loving Americans are going to stand up and say "we're not going to take it anymore." There's going to be riots in the streets. Worse than the riots in South Los Angeles after they acquitted the cops who beat up Rodney King. Black people riots - you haven't seen anything yet. White folks are tired of the long legged Mack Daddy kicking them in the face every time he gets up and lies to them.
You get these white folks all riled up - the members of the NRA are going to come into black neighborhoods. White people are being pushed around, kicked to the curb, having their rights denied, being called racists. Being walked on, watching their tax dollars go to fund all kinds of drug sales, prostitution, illegal immigration. Pushing white folks where they are not going to take it anymore.
He (Obama) is destroying the fabric and fiber of the nation. You're going to see an uprising in the nation. White folks are ready to riot and I don't blame them. White folks are forming right now - I hope they let me join them.
Everybody knows the man (Obama) is an illegal alien. The man is not a citizen of the United States. They need to get this long legged Mack Daddy, this two tongued liar, this quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak called Barack Hussein Obama out of the White House."
Wow - Tough talk James Manning. Way to go! It has finally taken a proud, God fearing, patriotic black American to tell it like it is. Let's hope the Obama White House and congressional Democrats and their cohorts in the liberal, socialist, anti-America, anti-military media get the message. White folks are rising up!
As far as the OPR H&S gang is concerned Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers were just a bunch of mostly nasty, mean, old white guys and slave owners. It's time to build a new America they say. Modeled after socialism a more Marxist state. Whether we like or not that's where we're headed.
In 1878, Senator Benjamin Hill said, "I do not dread industrial corporations as instruments of power to destroy this country. But there is one corporation we may all dread: that corporation is the federal government. If this ambitious, ever-growing corporation become oppressive, who shall check it. If it become unjust, who shall trust it. Watch and guard with sleepless dread that corporation which can make all property and the rights of all states and people, all liberty and hope, its playthings in an hour, its victims forever." Senator Hill must have had a crystal ball to see so far into the future. To predict, with such accuracy, what is happening in America in the year 2009. Scary.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of men like Ronald Reagen and other stalwart conservatives, America has been drifting towards socialism. Organizations, like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Communist Union would be a better name, have been relentless in attacking the values that made America great. Removing God, bible and prayer from our public schools was one of their biggest victories. Many of our freedoms are being swept away like dry leaves in the wind.
Just take a look what Obama has done, with the help of the Pelosi/Reid gang of socialists and traitors, in the first 100 days of his presidency. He has bankrupt the nation with his stimulus scam; nationalized a big part of the automobile industry; taken over the banking and financial institutions; pushed a Cap and Trade tax scam through the House and is doing his damnest to cram socialized medicine down the throats of Americans. Anyone opposed to Obama Care is being branded as un-American. The White House is calling for the names of these un-American types to be reported to the administration. Big Brother is watching us.
The Republicans have been pushed into a corner and found themselves in a pitiful minority in the House and especially in the Senate with the Democrats holding a 60 seat majority. The Republicans only have themselves to blame. Many deserted their conservative values and went along to get along. The Cap and Trade bill would not have passed the House had eight Republicans not voted for its passage. The Republicans are starting to fight back but no real leader has yet to surface. There has to a leader out there somewhere. Time is running out.
In the meantime the Republicans are going to have to rid themselves of the RINOs Republicans in name only. Sen. Arlan Spector, ex-presidential candidate, left on his own and good riddance. The rest like Collins and Snowe and the eight turncoats in the House need to be given the boot.
The one good thing about the Obama health care scam is that it has finally aroused Americans to take a hard look at what's going on in their government. And as the old saying goes, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore." Of all of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid socialist schemes this one has them on the defensive for a change. If Americans can't see what's happening to their country they may just as well turn in their guns, run up the white flag and kiss America goodbye. Relegated to the dustbin of history.
"Revolution" is in the air - you hear it more and more these days. Popular radio and TV talk show host Glenn Beck in his new book "Common Sense" calls for a peaceful, non-violent "Revolution." We may well have a revolution but I'm not so sure it will be as peaceful or non-violent as Beck and others suggest.
The vast majority of those showing up at the infamous "Town Hall" meetings are middle-aged to senior "White" citizens, many of whom are life long Democrats. They are not happy campers and congressional Democrats are running for cover like a bunch of sewer rats. They can't take the heat.
As a nearly 74-year-old white guy, honky, gringo, etc., I've always been upset with the way whites have been shoved aside by minorities. The "get even" mentality is obvious to most whites when they see a Hispanic or Black Chamber of Commerce, African American Week, American Indian Week, Asia-American Week, Black Miss America, and on and on. Yet, if anyone dared to suggest a White American Week or a white anything there would be hell to pay. Scared to death of being called a racist most whites have remained silent.
The socialist goals of the Obama administration have been a wake up call for Americans, a call to action and white Americans are going to lead the charge according to a patriotic black man by the name of James David Manning, PhD, author of the Oblation Hour.
Here's a part of what Manning had to say about Obama who he calls "Mack Daddy:" "There's going to be a revolution, Patrick Henry style, in America where red blooded, God fearing, Jesus loving Americans are going to stand up and say "we're not going to take it anymore." There's going to be riots in the streets. Worse than the riots in South Los Angeles after they acquitted the cops who beat up Rodney King. Black people riots - you haven't seen anything yet. White folks are tired of the long legged Mack Daddy kicking them in the face every time he gets up and lies to them.
You get these white folks all riled up - the members of the NRA are going to come into black neighborhoods. White people are being pushed around, kicked to the curb, having their rights denied, being called racists. Being walked on, watching their tax dollars go to fund all kinds of drug sales, prostitution, illegal immigration. Pushing white folks where they are not going to take it anymore.
He (Obama) is destroying the fabric and fiber of the nation. You're going to see an uprising in the nation. White folks are ready to riot and I don't blame them. White folks are forming right now - I hope they let me join them.
Everybody knows the man (Obama) is an illegal alien. The man is not a citizen of the United States. They need to get this long legged Mack Daddy, this two tongued liar, this quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak called Barack Hussein Obama out of the White House."
Wow - Tough talk James Manning. Way to go! It has finally taken a proud, God fearing, patriotic black American to tell it like it is. Let's hope the Obama White House and congressional Democrats and their cohorts in the liberal, socialist, anti-America, anti-military media get the message. White folks are rising up!
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