Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama Fiddles While Tehran Burns

Obama's "No Meddling" Policy In Iran Politics - Obama is living up to his campaign promise to sit down with countries like Iran, North Korea and Syria with no preconditions.

Obama has expressed concern over the protests and the violence in Iran but has refused to interfere with the June, 2009 presidential election. "It's not productive, given the history of US-Iranian relations, to be seen as meddling," he told reporters. I'm sure that had Ahmadinejad and his cronies dancing in the streets.

While North Korea continues to give us the finger and is threatening to launch a missile at Hawaii and Iran is close to a civil war, Obama is taking a "wait and see" approach. So much for standing up for freedom and liberty for the people of North Korea and the Iranian people who are being shot down in the streets of Tehran by armed thugs.

One young lady protester, 26-year-old Neda Agha-Soltan, was gunned down as she marched. Friends tried in vain to save her as she bled to death on the street. Her slaying at the hands of the Revolutionary Guards was captured on video and seen around the world. Neda has become a martyr for freedom in Iran. You haven't heard Obama say anything about her sacrifice.

Let's face it, Obama is a Muslim. He's one of them. After all he wanted to sit down with Iran's scumbag dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and cut a deal to sell out America while citing passages from the Koran. The next thing you know he'll be trying to cut a deal with North Korea's pint-sized dictator Kim Jong-il. He has already gone along with the ludicrous UN directive that US Navy ships can't stop and board North Korean ships suspected of carrying contraband weapons without their permission. Admiral Bull Halsey must be turning over in his grave.

Obama's inaction has been a signal for tyrants, dictators and terrorists around the world that America has become a paper tiger. One thing is for certain America's enemies have nothing to fear from our "wait and see" president.

If Ronald Reagan were President today, you can bet North Korea wouldn't be aiming missiles at us. And Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs wouldn't get away with hijacking the election and gunning down peaceful protesters. We wouldn't be pulling out of Iraq before the job is done either.

In April, 1986, following the bombing of a club in West Berlin by Libyan terrorists that killed two US servicemen and wounded 200 civilians, Reagan ordered air strikes against Libya. US fighter jets bombed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's compound and several military targets, including sinking two navy gunships. Qaddafi became silent and meek as a church mouse after that.

Lest we forget, it was Iranian militants that seized the US Embassy in Nov. 1979 and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Ahmadinejad was one of the militants. Following a failed rescue mission President Carter continued to wring his hands in despair The minute Reagan was elected President the hostages were released.

President Reagan visited the Berlin Wall in 1987 and in a famous speech said, "Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall." In 2009 President Obama visits Germany and tells the world what a rotten country America is.

We can thank former President Jimmy Carter for much of the mess in Iran today. In 1979 the Shah of Iran, a pro-American leader, was ousted and replaced by a fierce anti-American Ayatollah Khomeni. Khomeni called the US the great Satan and a nation of infidels. Carter stood by and did nothing to help the Shah who was forced into exile.

Carter continues to stick his liberal nose into foreign affairs and hasn't found a terrorist organization that he doesn't like. America would be much better off if Carter stayed on his peanut farm in Georgia. So far Obama, without any help from Carter, has managed to bankrupt the nation; apologize to all of our enemies and trash our allies.

The Iran government or dictatorship, has depended on the Revolutionary Guards to protect it and keep citizens in line. And has used the Guard and riot police to confront demonstrators protesting the June 12 presidential elections.

The supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has four layers of security forces to deal with protesters. The first two are police officers and the Basij Militia whose members have some military training and number an estimated three million nationwide.

The third and most reliable is the 120,000 member Revolutionary Guards, formed after the 1979 revolution because the mullahs didn't trust the military and wanted their own force. The Revolutionary Guards have their own land, naval and air forces. Ahmadinejad was a commander in the Guards during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War.

The fourth layer is the 430,000 member regular army, the Artesh. Their main mission is to protect Iran's border. Most members are conscripts and serve a mandatory two years of service and aren't normally used to deal with civil unrest.

Regardless, Iran has a powerful, well armed and equipped force to deal with civil unrest. The new leader of the Revolutionary Guards is Mohammad Ali Jafari, a guerrilla warfare expert trained in insurgency tactics. He has decentralized the Guard and given more authority to to commanders in each of Iran's 30 provinces.

Jafari has also combined the the Basij militia forces with the Guards for training. Ahmadinejad has made sure both forces are well funded and equipped.

There have been reports that the opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi has some support from within the ranks of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia. One report cited a decorated Revolutionary Guards commander was arrested for refusing to take action against protesters. Any large defections from the ranks could play into Mousavi's hands. Whether Mousavi would be a more moderate leader willing to come to terms with the US is still a big question.

Ahmadinejad hasn't changed his rhetoric and repeats his plan to "wipe Israel off the map" and denies that the Holocaust took place. And this the guy Obama wants to sit down and meet with. Reminds me of the infamous meeting British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin had with Hitler in 1938. Chamberlin signed the Munich Agreement and declared it was "peace in our time." The following year Hitler invaded Poland and Britain declared war on Germany. So much for appeasement.

Republicans have finally decided to speak out against Obama's no meddling policy. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) said, "The human tragedy continues in Iran. Around the world people are inspired by the courage of the Iranian people fighting for free elections, using new media tools like Twitter to ensure their voices are heard by all of us. America has a moral responsibility to stand up for these brave people."

"The administration's position that what's going on in Iran is a 'vigorous debate' is absurd, he added. "People are are being brutalized and murdered by the regime in Tehran. We have no idea exactly how many have died or have been seriously injured, since the regime has restricted journalists' ability to report. In no way do these actions constitute a 'vigorous debate.'" Way to go Congressman Eric Cantor!

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), has repeatedly accused Obama for a weak response to the situation in Iran and said the President should declare the elections "a sham." "People are being killed and beaten in the streets of Tehran and all over Iran, and we should stand up for them. The way we stood up for the Polish workers in Gdansk, the way we stood up for the people of then Czechoslovakia in the Prague Spring and we stood up for freedom in every part of the world. We're not doing that," he said. I guess Mac deserves a pat on the back.

If we had a President with a pair, which we don't, Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei would be given 24 hours to pack up and leave Iran. If they don't they would be removed by superior US military force. Mousavi would be given a chance to form a new government with the stipulation that the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia be disarmed and disband. Further, that all nuclear programs be scrapped. Failure to do so will result in military action to destroy all nuclear sites. Finally, that the Mousavi government recognize Israel's right to exist and to stop all aid to Hezbollah and all terrorist organizations.

North Korea would be given notice that if they fire one more rocket or missile the United States will respond with full military force. All nuclear programs will cease immediately and nuclear sites will be dismantled. The North Korean dictator and his sons will be given 24 hours to leave North Korea and seek political asylum. The North Korean military will immediately stand down and surrender all weapons and equipment to the South Korean military. All North Korean ships at sea will return to port or be sunk by US Naval forces. Failure to fully comply will result in the United States declaring war on North Korea. The use of nuclear weapons against North Korea will not be ruled out. Once this action has been taken the remaining government of North Korea will be abolished and North and South will be reunited as a country under the government of South Korea.

To rebuild our military and to deal with contingencies in a world full of danger the military draft will be immediately reinstated and a call up of draftees ordered.

Finally, the United States will withdraw from the United Nations and will order the UN to immediately leave the United States. The UN building will be demolished, starting with the twisted gun barrel revolver monument at the entrance, and the site turned into a national park site honoring US military veterans.

If Obama wants to become a great President - here's his chance. What about it Mr. President?

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