Thursday, June 4, 2009

Call Me Barack Hussein Obama

Obama Kisses Up To The Muslims - With a Koran in one hand and a Turban in the other President Barack Hussein Obama delivered his pro-Muslim speech in Cairo Wednesday, June 3, 2009. "I have come here today to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect," Obama said.

What's the mutual interest and respect? The Muslims look upon Americans as a bunch of infidels and their main interest is on how many of us they can kill. The Muslim world danced in the streets when Muslim terrorists flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing over 3,000 Americans. Included in the death toll were the passengers and crew in a third hijacked plane they forced down in a field in Pennsylvania. All aboard were killed along with the terrorists who hijacked the plane. The third plane was headed for the US Capital.

Over 4,000 American troops have been killed fighting Muslim terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past six years in the War on Terror. And the fighting rages on as troops hold on in Iraq and open a new front in Afghanistan. Obama doesn't even call it a war anymore, it's a "Contingency Operation" whatever in the hell that means. Department of Homeland Security Director, Janet Napolitano, calls terrorist attacks "man made disasters."

Obama proclaimed, "Violent extremists had breed fear and that the cycle of suspicion and discord must end." That's true enough but it hasn't been America that has been the violent extremists breeding fear and the cycle of suspicion and discord. It's been Muslim terrorists and nothing has changed.

Obama blamed America for "years of distrust" and said both sides needed to make a "sustained effort to respect one another and seek common ground." Again, it's the Muslim terrorists who attacked us in the first place. They aren't the least bit interested in respecting us and seeking common ground. When it comes to respect the only thing they respect is superior US firepower. As far as common ground is concerned they're only interested in the ground needed to bury us. After that they want all the ground.

Obama said that America was not at war with Islam, but would confront violent extremists who threaten our security. Islam is at war with America. They're called terrorists Mr. President. And we need to kill them before they kill us. American troops aren't in Iraq and Afghanistan on a USO goodwill tour. They're there to take the fight to the terrorists and kill or capture them and destroy their potential to wage war. The mission of the military is to fight and win wars.

Muslim terrorists chief drum beater, al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, hasn't embraced Obama's latest pro-Muslim speech and said so from his cave hideout deep in the Pakistan mountains. In a tape recorded message aired on Arabic al-jazeera TV Bin Laden said, "Obama and his administration have planted seeds for hatred and revenge against America." He went on to say, "Let the American people prepare to continue to reap what has been planted by the heads of the White House in the coming years and decades." Sounds like more threats to me. So much for Obama kissing up to the Muslims.

Bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, the scumbag terrorist with a big dent in his forehead, also trashed Obama's speech and urged Muslims to ignore it because "Mr. Obama's bloody message in Iraq and Afghanistan would not be concealed by polished words." Even old Zawahiri recognizes a smooth talking con man when he hears one.

Obama gave Iran's little "Hitler" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to wipe Israel off the map, a vote of support when he said,"No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons" and made it clear that Iran had a right to peaceful nuclear power. Really. Why would anyone believe that Iran would possibly contemplate wiping out Israel with a nuclear missile. I suppose this goes for North Korea's nuclear ambitions. Why they have been firing missiles to test for a future moon landing or a space station.

During the presidential campaign it was forbidden by the Obama campaign to mention his middle name "Hussein." To do so was the "kiss of death" for reporters and liberal TV news stations and political opponents. How dare anyone call him Hussein. However, when Obama gave his pro-Muslim speech he proudly declared to the whole world - You can call me Barack Hussein Obama! Yes, all you dumb Americans who voted for me - I'm a Muslim!

Throughout his speech Obama refused to use the words Muslim terrorists and referred to them as "violent extremists."

Obama said that the bond with Israel was "unbreakable." Then he said the "situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable." True, but it's because of terrorists like Hamas and their allies in Iran and Syria, not Israel who has only responded when attacked.

Obama then called for a halt to further construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton echoed Obama's comments and said," Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exception. We think it is in the best interest of the effort that we are engaged in that settlement expansion cease." So much for the "unbreakable" bond with Israel.

Where are the Republicans in response to Obama's kissing up to the Muslim's speech. The silence has been deafening. All standing around with their heads bowed and their thumbs up their butts. So far the only ones to blast the speech have been radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Rush has led the charge. Keep it up Rush.

Americans will pay a heavy price for Obama selling out the country to a bunch of Muslims and telling the world what a rotten place America is. The only real democracy in the region Israel has been stabbed in the back by Obama and Hillary Clinton in favor of Hamas terrorists and Iran's dictator.

It's a sad time for America when it's president travels overseas and consorts with an enemy who has vowed to kill us.

America has long been a bastion of freedom and liberty and became a world power, not through aggression, but as a result of freedom and liberty for its people. You didn't hear Obama speak about that. America has also freed millions of peoples world wide and asked for nothing in return except their friendship. Over a quarter million American GI's died defeating Germany, Japan and Italy in WWII. Once defeated we helped rebuild those countries. The only ground asked for was enough to bury our war dead. You didn't hear Obama speak about that. America is the first to respond with aid in natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and typhoons. Never asking for it to be repaid. You didn't hear Obama talk about that.

What has the Muslim world done besides murder and plunder and create havoc worldwide? Now Obama wants to " respect them" and "seek common ground." It reminds me of the story about the old shopkeeper who, after being beaten and robbed at gunpoint several times, finally told the robber, "Look we could be friends if you'd just stop beating and robbing me all the time."

I fear that Obama has only encouraged Muslim terrorists to continue the fight until we are battling them in the streets and cities of America. Time will tell.

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