Thanks to three turncoat Republican senators know as RINOS (Republicans In Name only), the Senate approved the $838 billion stimulus plan dubbed the "Porkulus" bill, by Rush Limbaugh, 61-37. The Democrats only control 58 seats and 60 votes were needed to pass the bill.
Who are the RINO turncoats who sold out to the Democrats? Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine. Without their support the Porkulus bill would have gone down in flames. The three RINOS claimed they were able to trim all sorts of "fat" from the bill. Baloney. The bill is so full of pork it should be sold in the bacon section at the local meat market.
Let's hope the voters remember these turncoat RINOS in the next election. Specter is up for re-election in 2010. He should appear on "Turncoat" posters throughout Pennsylvania along with Collins and Snowe in Maine. We now know that Specter received $6.5 billion for a pet medical project that had nothing to do with creating jobs. Eventually, we'll find out what kind of a payoff Collins and Snowe worked out for their stabbing the GOP in the back.
According to Tim Phillips, President, Americans for Prosperity, the Porkulus bill will cost every American household $6,700 of new debt to be paid by their children and grandchildren. He said it will also lead to government-mandated rationing of health care and tramples the right to medical privacy. In a word the failed "Universal Health Care" scam championed by the new Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang censored and ignored any public input in what has become the largest pork and welfare ripoff in history. Except for the three turncoats, Republicans in Congress were cut out of any debate on the bill.
Regardless of public outcry and Republican opposition to the so-called "stimulus plan" it will eventually pass and be signed by Obama. So much for bi-partisanship and reaching out to Republicans by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang.
Obama has been beating the drum and calling for quick passage of the plan to avoid a "catastrophe." What the Democrats want to do is to ram the bill through Congress with little or no debate. They want to destroy capitalism and usher in socialism. According to Obama only the government can solve the economic crisis. The American people are just too dumb and incapable of helping themselves in this crisis. It's up to the government to save all of us poor peasants. Never mind that it was the government that got us into the mess in the first place. Anyone ever hear of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae the government sponsored outfits that went bankrupt forcing banking and credit institutions to make unsecured, faulty home loans?
Has anyone noticed that high gas prices and the economic slump happened during the the past two years of the Democrats running Congress? It was the Democrat leadership that said Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were in great shape when in fact they were riddled with corruption and on the brink of going broke. It may have happened on Bush's watch but it was the Democrat controlled Congress that blocked any efforts to take action against the two failing outfits.
Even when it was revealed that senators Chris Dodd and Charles Schumer and Rep. Barney Frank and other Democrats had profited from shady and questionable dealings with Freddie and Fannie and knew they were both failing no action was taken. Nada, nothing, zip. The liberal media didn't care and the Democrats weren't about to admit their involvement in the cover up.
Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), chairman of the powerful Ways and Means committee is in trouble for not paying taxes. Former Sen. Tom Dachle was forced to withdraw his nomination as Health Secretary due to tax problems. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was confirmed despite having tax problems. Rangle and Geithner will play major parts when it comes to implementing the "Porkulus" plan. Hey, so they're tax cheats. So what - it doesn't amount to a "hiccup" according to Sen. "Dingy" Harry Reid.
According to Robert Rector,a Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, the welfare state is about to raise it's ugly head again after being defeated by the Republicans during the presidency of "Slick Willy."
Rector points out that federal welfare will explode to more than 20 percent from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. Once the hidden welfare is counted the total 10-year fiscal burden will not be $816 billion but $1.34 billion. This amounts to $17,400 for each household paying income tax according to Rector.
Rector compares the stimulus plan to a "Trojan Horse" to conceal massive permanent increases in the welfare system. The goal, he adds, is 'spreading the wealth,' not reviving the economy. What it amounts to is socialism.
The three RINO turncoats (idiots) Specter, Collins and Snowe have been dancing in the halls of Congress and telling us what a great tax break deal for us peasants they bargained for with the Democrats. I don't think anyone should hold their breaths in anticipation of receiving a large tax refund check from Uncle Sucker. Unless your an illegal alien you'll be lucky to get a dime. And I wouldn't count on Specter sharing any of his $6.5 million sweetheart deal with any of the peasants in his state.
Before it's all over the Barak Hussein Obama administration is going to make the disastrous Jimmy Carter administration look like a winner. Betcha! Can we say United Socialist States of Amerika?
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