Thursday, April 30, 2009

The First 100 Days

America's First Half Black/White President - Depending on whose side your on, President Obama's first 100 days in office have been either marked by stupendous achievements or stupid mistakes. The liberal establishment, including much of the media and the Pelosi/Reid gang of losers and traitors on the side of the "stupendous achievements" crowd and the rest of us on the side of the "stupid mistakes"crowd.

Former Sen. Fred Thompson says President Obama has revealed his "naivete, ineptitude and arrogance" as he deals with matters of national security. Former Vice President Dick Cheney sees Obama as a weak president who criticizes America on foreign trips and embraces our enemies like Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. "What I find disturbing is the extent to which he has gone to Europe, for example, and seemed to apologize profusely in, and then to Mexico, and apologize there, and so forth," Cheney said.

On his first foreign trip Obama told the French people,"In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." It was pointed out by a reporter that Obama gave his speech a few hundred miles from the beaches of Normandy where over 2,500 "arrogant" American GIs were killed in less than an hour by German gunners on June 6, 1944.

Cheney has labeled Obama as a weak president. A dangerous president would be a more accurate label. There's little doubt that he has made Americans less safe by many of his reckless actions when it comes to defending the nation. Former President Ronald Reagan said,"Our foreign policy should be based on the principle that we will go anywhere and do anything that has to be done to protect our citizens from unjust treatment. Our national defense policy should back that up with force." Couldn't make it any clearer than that. Too bad Obama has largely ignored the policy.

Aside from apologizing to the world on what a rotten country America is he has stuck a knife in the polices that has kept America safe from terrorist attacks for the past eight years. First, he refuses to recognize the "War on Terror" and instead refers to it as a "Foreign Contingency Operation" which is like calling murder an unfortunate social encounter. Then he calls our interrogation techniques of enemy prisoners "torture" and refuses to rule out prosecuting officials in the former Bush administration for coming up with the polices. To make matters worse he released the Top Secret documentation of our interrogation polices to the public. Which is sure to aid the terrorists who want to kill us and destroy our way of life.

Water boarding terrorist suspects, depriving them of sleep, shoving them against a soft wall, playing loud music and making them wear women panties on their heads sure as hell doesn't sound like torture to most Americans. Cutting off the heads of innocent civilians and American troops after nearly beating them to death as the terrorists have done and continue to do is real torture. Murder is a better word. Instead of prosecuting Americans for applying non-lethal interrogation techniques on terrorist suspects we should be hunting down the terrorist leaders and trying them as "War Criminals" before a military tribunal. And if convicted taken out and hanged or shot by a firing squad. I'm sure there are many Americans who believe beheading would be a more appropriate way of dealing with them.

Obama also refuses to refer to terrorists taken prisoner on the battlefield as "enemy combatants." What are they if they aren't the enemy? Lost civilians looking for their villages? Since he has determined that terrorists are no longer enemy combatants he plans to close GITMO the military prisoner facility in Guantanamo and move the whatever they are to prisons in the US and try them in civilian courts as thought they were US citizens. What these scumbag terrorists deserve is to be confined in a WWII style POW camp with barbed wire and machine gun towers and trial by a military court.

Obama also thinks the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that allows the National Security Agency to listen to communications between the US and al-Qaida a bad policy. Makes you wonder whose side Obama is on.

During the campaign Obama promised to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden as a top priority of his administration. Really. It's been over a 100 days since he was sworn in as president and I haven't heard that OBL has been killed or captured. Maybe plans to prosecute Americans as torturers of terrorists has put plans to capture the real torturer on hold.

Not only does he want to treat terrorists, who are trying their damnest to kill us, as just another class of US citizens he wants to scuttle much of our military defenses. Reduction of our nuclear defenses, cutback on new weapons systems, aircraft and ships. Defense Secretary Bob Gates (SecDef in the Bush administration) kept on in the Obama administration was thought by most Republicans to be a good move has gone along with a sharp reduction in new fighter aircraft and other so-called cost cutting measures. Gates has proven that he is one of them and to hell with a strong military.

Americans are scratching their heads and wondering what Obama means by a "civilian security force" as large as and as well funded as the military. That's a rather large number when you consider that the the US military, including reserves, totals 2.5 million members. Just what the mission of this "civilian security force" is has never been made clear. They will wear some type of a uniform. Black maybe with armbands? Will they be armed? There was an elected leader in Germany in the 1930s by the name of Adolf Hitler who came up with a similar plan.

Obama doesn't think Americans should be well armed and neither does his Attorney General Eric Holder and the Pelosi/Reid gang of traitors, losers and gun grabbers. If they have their way American gun owners will be reduced to carrying slingshots and throwing rocks. Besides the Obama/Pelosi/Redi gang believes the Second Amendment is all about state militias and duck hunting. To hell with the US Supreme Court ruling that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual, fundamental right.

When it comes to the slump in economy Obama and the Democrats believe that more government is the solution to the problem. And they are more than willing to spend American taxpayers dollars to prove it. So far Obama has spent 2 trillion dollars (and plans to spend more) to jump start the economy by bailing out failing banks and the auto industry who they say are just too big to let fail. Not to worry - the feds are printing truckloads of new 100 dollar bills to pay for this. Most folks have no idea how far in the sky a stack of trillion dollars worth of 100 dollar bills reaches. Click on your computers and find out. Despite all this government help with our tax dollars unemployment continues to climb as more businesses that aren't too big to fail close their doors.

I don't recall reading in history where the government bailed out the stagecoach lines when the railroads came along. The pony express didn't last long and they didn't get a bailout. The government didn't bat an eye when Pan Am Airlines went bottom up and disappeared.

The sad facts are that the ones most responsible for the "Great Ripoff" of the American taxpayers are the Democrats in charge in the US Congress. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangel, "Porky Pig" Murtha, "Dingy" Harry reid, Nancy "Birdbrain" Pelosi, Dick "Turban" Durbin, John "Swift Boat" Kerry and the list goes on. Now this same bunch wants to run the private sector and tell us how big and what kind of a vehicle we should be allowed to buy. And what bank we can do business with. There's a name for this effort to destroy capitalism and let the government run things - Socialism.

And that's where America is headed. A Socialist/Communist/Muslim state. And a dumb bunch of American voters put them in power. The Democrats now control the White House and both Houses of Congress. Now that Arlen "Benedict" Specter the RINO jumped ship and joined the Democrats and Al Franken is probably going to steal Ron Coleman's senate seat they'll have a 60 vote Democrat Senate. The Republicans will be sent to the closets and hallways of Congress and Obama will have his way with the peasants in the new United Socialist Muslim States of Amerika. Can't happen. Don't bet your life on it.

Maybe some of you will remember Obama on the campaign trail where he refused to recognize the playing of the National Anthem or to wear the US Flag lapel pin. What about his close association with Bill Ayers the terrorist and the Reverend Jeremiah "G--D America" Wright. The convicted felon Tony Rezko connection. The nagging question of his birthplace. The fact that he is a politician that came from the most corrupt political machine in the US. Chigcago, run for the past 20 years by Mayor Richard M. Daley.

Barack Hussein Obama is a "Flimflam" man who bluffed his way into the White House. Unfortunately, we're stuck with him for the next four or, God forbid, eight years. For those of you out there in the villages that like big government Obama is your man. For the rest of us we're looking for a new leader. I know one is out there somewhere who will set things right again. The clock is ticking, ticking, ticking.

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