Monday, April 27, 2009

Terrorist Swine Flu Attack

New Threat From Mexico - America's open borders have resulted in millions of illegal immigrants invading the country from Mexico and all points south. The Mexican drug cartels have flooded the US with illegal drugs and control the borders with heavily armed gangs who routinely gun down anyone standing in their way. Mexican gangs have infiltrated most major cities of the US and organize and control prison gangs in many US prisons. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, recently referred to illegal immigrants as "Patriots." Meanwhile illegal drugs and immigrants continue to stream across the border.

No one, least of all the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, seems to know what if any connection there may be with possible terrorist organizations and the Mexican drug cartels and other renegade elements.

What if the terrorists have decided to try their hand at "Germ" warfare and start a "Swine Flu" attack against the US? What a better place to plant the virus than Mexico where it could easily spread across the border into the US. Health standards in Mexico are greatly inferior to that of the US. Tuberculosis has already made a big comeback in the US as a result of illegal immigrants infected with the disease. Al Qaida and old, Osama Bin Hidden could care less about killing Mexican or American citizens who are viewed as infidels. After all they have shown that they are more than willing to kill themselves to kill us.

Congressional Democrats who have opposed securing our borders from illegal drugs and immigrants in the past are now calling to secure the border against the Swine Flu outbreak. Congress to the rescue. Hey, we're talking about a possible pandemic that could kill millions here and around the world. Even the idiots in Congress and the White House see the danger and realize that their exulted status doesn't protect them from the Swine Flu bug.

So far the White House and the media have tried to downplay the threat. But it has grabbed the headlines and rumors are beginning to run a little wild. Across the nation schools have been closed, businesses have told employees to stay home if they feel ill and many scheduled events have been postponed. Although there have there have been reports of people falling ill, there have been no reported deaths from the Swine Flu outbreak in the US to date.

There have been over a hundred deaths so far in Mexico attributed to Swine Flu and over 1,500 have fallen ill. Given the apologist mentality of the Obama administration and the Pelosi/Reid crowd don't be surprised if America takes the blame for the Swine Flu outbreak.

Obama has already said the Swine Flu outbreak underlines the need for "socialized" health care. As Obama's chief of staff Ron Emanual has said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."

While the politicians are wondering what in the hell to do and world health organizations are trying to cope with the threat, illegal immigrants are pouring across our southern borders by the thousands. How many are bringing the Swine Flu bug with them?

What are our intell types coming up with? Have the terrorist switched from suicide bombings to "Germ" warfare? Who knows? Time will tell.

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