Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The 2008 general elections ushered in a new era for America. The Democrats gained seats in the US Congress and won the White House. Barack Hussein Obama made history as the first black elected as president. Many Americans danced in the streets over the overwhelming Democrat victory while others rushed out to buy guns and ammo before the gun grabbers took over the reins of government.

Abraham Lincoln once said that the reason the term for president is four years is because "one man can't ruin the country in four years." Maybe. Jimmy Carter tried his best and failed. As an ex-president he has continued his international crusade of telling everyone just how rotten America is. Of course the congressional Democrats have spent the past eight years demonizing the Bush administration and labeling it as the worst in recorded history. Never mind that the present economic slump and record setting government bailout of banks and the auto industry took place on their watch.

Aside from an increase in the minimum wage what have the Pelosi /Reid Democrats accomplished in the past two years. Gas prices shot up to over $4.00 @ gallon and they refused to allow new off-shore oil drilling or exploration for oil or building of new refineries or nuclear power plants. They have consistently criticised the military and the war on terror and called for an immediate pullout of Iraq. Sen. Harry Reid said "the war is lost." Sen. Dick Durbin compared US troops to Nazi SS troops; Rep. John Murtha called US Marines cold-blooded killers and Sen. John Kerry accused our troops of "terrorizing women and children in the middle of the night." I'm sure this must have really raised the morale of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congressional Democrats have conducted endless investigations of the Bush administration during the past two years hoping to bring ludicrous war crime charges against the vice-president, secretary of defense, and other top Bush officials. Their ultimate goal was to try and impeach President Bush as a get even for the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

The Obama/Pelosi/Reid crowd has willing accomplices in the liberal media for their socialist agenda which raises the big question: Will Obama preside over a move to a socialist state?

During the campaign his rhetoric was pretty much a call to socialism. Cut and run in Iraq; unconditional talks with dictators; close GITMO on day one of his presidency; scrap new weapons development; cut back on our nuclear deterrent; tax the rich; universal health care and a refusal to drill for oil in favor of "alternate fuel." He has also favored amnesty for illegal aliens and been wish-washy on the Second Amendment Rights of citizens to "keep and bear arms." Obama played to the crowd.

Obama's ascension to the presidency has been nothing short of remarkable. From an obscure "community activist" in Chicago to the Illinois Senate and the US Senate and at first an almost unknown in the presidential race to winning the nomination was a stunning, political accomplishment. Despite all of his political baggage he whipped them all, including the Clintons.

When it comes to political baggage he has a semi-truck load to deal with. From his close association with the Rev. Jeremiah "G--D America" Wright and the terrorist Bill Ayers to convicted felons like Tony Rezko and impeached Illinois Gov. Rod Bloagojevich he has managed to stay above the fray. Even the charge that he was actually born in Kenya and not a US citizen by birth has been largely ignored. Who cares - he's black and that's all that counts. Unless he drops dead first Obama will become the 44th president of the United States.
Most Americans aren't against a black becoming president. They are concerned with who that black is. Despite all the publicity and accusations we really don't know just who Obama is. Is a Muslim? Was he born in Hawaii or Kenya? What was his relationship with Bill Ayers and other radical, anti-American activists? What are his accomplishments besides being a state senator and a US senator? We do know that he was one of the most liberal members of the US Senate.

Jimmy Carter was not a household name when he ran for president. He showed up at the White House with an empty valise that he carried around. The empty valise was descriptive of his dismal administration. His constant talk of the "malaise" of America and inability to deal with run away inflation and unemployment and a disastrous foreign policy that led to the Iranian hostage crisis typified his presidency. Will Obama be a repeat of Carter? Let's hope not.

Obama has recently waffled on some of his campaign promises. He says he's taking another look at closing GITMO; he's not calling for an immediate pull out of troops in Iraq and he's reconsidering a tax increase for the rich. To his credit he kept Bob Gates as Sec Def and named retired Marine Gen. Jones as National Security Advisor. None of this has pleased his far left base or the Pelosi/Reid crowd. Still Obama preaches that more government is the solution to America's problems. That's a call for "socialism." Former President Ronald Reagan reminded us all that "government wasn't the solution to our problems - government was the problem."

Obama will inherit a nation that has removed God, bible and prayer from our public schools; made abortion a right; feminized the military; allowed same sex marriage; ignored our immigration laws; refused to recognize English as the official language; allowed the US Flag to be burned as a form of protest; stood by while the media and members of Congress demeaned our troops and called for surrender in the war on terror; continues to support and fund the anti-America United Nations; has allowed the proliferation of Muslim mosques numbering in the thousands to be built across the country; sanctioned the removal of crosses and nativity scenes from public places; discouraged saying Merry Christmas as politically incorrect and the list goes on and on. Our freedoms are slipping away with each passing day.

He has also inherited a badly divided nation with one side seemingly oblivious as to what's happening and the other side fearful as to the rise of socialism and further losses of liberty and freedom. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has become a "me too party" and abandoned many of its conservative principles. Too many congressional members have become RINOs Republicans in name only.

Sen. John McCain, although a military hero and long time member of the Senate, was a poor choice for president. Too liberal, too old, a poor speaker, too supportive of amnesty for illegal aliens and opposed to big oil. Strong on national defense and winning in Iraq but came across as uninformed on the economy. He was more of a RINO than he was a "maverick." His choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate gave the campaign a big boost. Unfortunately, the Wall Street debacle and the resulting government bailout doomed his campaign. Gov. Palin has made her mark and will likely be a contender in future presidential campaigns.

It's unlikely that any Republican could have prevailed against Obama with the slump in the economy blamed largely on the Bush administration and the Republicans. Never mind that congressional Democrats were more responsible than the Bush administration. But it happened on his watch and McCain couldn't distance himself from Bush. Politics is a tough game.

Obama comes across as a savvy politician and could become a successful president. It's his call and Americans and the world, including the terrorists, will be watching. We have not had another major terrorist attack on our nations soil since September 11, 2001. That's to the credit of President Bush.

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