Monday, September 21, 2009
Joe Wilson Stands Up For America
Joe Wilson, as well as every member of Congress, knew Obama was lying through his teeth. If Obama care is rammed down the throats of American taxpayers illegal immigrants will be receiving free health care. Wilson rose from his seat and shouted "You Lie." Joe Wilson was speaking for the American people and probably most of his Republican colleagues, who didn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and support him. No wonder the Republicans are a minority in the US Congress.
President Bush was booed by the Democrats several times during his congressional speeches. There was no outcry then or calls for an apology. I guess if several members boo the president at the same time it's accepted conduct and doesn't violate basic rules of decorum. Yet, if a lone member speaks out then it's an outburst that isn't condoned.
Wilson apologized to the president for his remark and said Obama had "graciously accepted my apology, and the issue is over." "I think it's clear to the American people that there are far more important issues facing this nation than what we're addressing right now," He said. Wilson refused to apologize to the House for his remark.
Obama said,"I'm a big believer that we all make mistakes. He apologized quickly and without equivocation. And I appreciate that. I do think that we have to get to the point that we have a conversation without assuming the worst in people."
Wilson's apology to Obama wasn't good enough for House Democrats. Many of whom had demonized President Bush and members of his cabinet and referred to Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney as "war criminals and liars."
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, and highest ranking black in Congress, threatened Wilson with an official House sanction unless he apologized to the House. "Either he can deal with it or the House can deal with it," Clyburn said. Can't let them nasty old Republicans get away with calling the "Messiah" a liar. The truth does hurt.
For the first time in the 233 year history of the nation a "Resolution of Disapproval" was rammed through the House by Democrats admonishing Wilson for speaking out during a presidential speech. The final vote 240-179. At least Texas Republicans voted against the resolution and every Texas Democrat voted for it. No surprise there . Don't mess with Texas Republicans. Too bad they didn't stand up when Wilson made the remark.
If any members of Congress should have been admonished it should have been Sen. Dick"Turban" Durbin for comparing US troops to Nazi SS troops; Sen John "Swift Boat" Kerry, for accusing US troops in Iraq of terrorizing women and children in the middle of the night; Rep. John "Porky Pig" Murtha for calling US Marines "cold blooded" killers and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for saying the War on Terror "was lost."
Wilson was correct in reminding the American people that there are far more important issues facing the nation than admonishing a member of Congress for challenging a lying president. Like the ongoing War on Terror downgraded to an "Overseas Contingency Operation" by the Obama administration. Obama has a "cut and run" policy underway in Iraq and is waffling on sending additional troops to Afghanistan where US casualties are increasing daily in the fight against enemy Taliban forces.
In the meantime US Attorney General Eric Holder is investigating CIA agents for "torturing" enemy prisoners. One can only ponder why Holder isn't going after the scumbag terrorists who tortured and beheaded Nicolas Burg, Daniel Pearl and American GIs.
In his latest act of appeasement Obama cancelled a Bush plan for an anti ballistic missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Just in time for the 70th anniversary of Russia's attack on Poland in WWII. Talk about stabbing an ally in the back. That must have had Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a former Soviet KGB high ranking official, and his Russian thugs dancing in the streets of Moscow while drinking Vodka.
The dictator of Iran, President Amadinejad, surely hailed this as a big victory and an encouragement to pursue the development of intercontinental nuclear missiles with renewed vigor.
Amadinejad, Libya's Qaddafi, and the thug Robert Mugabe are scheduled to speak before the United Nations this week. I'm sure they will be hailed as heroes by the anti-America UN. Don't be surprised to hear that Obama had a secret meeting with this trio of skunks in the bowels of the White House during their UN visit.
With the war in Iraq and Afghanistan still raging; the American economic in shambles and employment nearing double digits Obama is racing from congressional speeches and TV appearances trying to convince the American people to endorse a socialist/communist style health care system.
The Democrat sponsored Town Hall meetings with huge crowds of Americans showing up and telling congressional Democrats, "We don't want socialized medicine," seems to have escaped Obama's attention.
Regardless, the big priority in the US Congress was to get that nasty, Joe Wilson for standing up for America.
Way to go Joe Wilson. Give them hell, Sir!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ted Kennedy Villain or Statesman
Not much was known of Joseph Kennedy other than he was his father Joseph's early pick to be President some day. WWII ended that dream. John F., on the other hand, became the next in line to accomplish his father's wish for one of his sons to be President. Robert Kennedy took up the challenge following the tragic death of President Kennedy by an assassin's bullet.
We now know that John and Robert Kennedy were a couple of womanizers and high rollers. Joseph Kennedy Sr was a known bootlegger and fixer within the political network of good old boys. The Kennedy boys grew up rich and led the socialite life style - wine, women and song. Teddy boy fit right in.
They say you shouldn't kick someone when they're down or say bad things about them when they die. Maybe so for the general rule of being a nice guy. As an old combat soldier, I always put a couple of extra rounds into the bad guys that I shot to make sure they stayed down. I also cussed the poor bastards later. As General Patton said, "Make the other poor son-of-a-bitch die for his country." I always thought that made a lot of sense.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, 1932-2009, was the third longest-serving member of the U.S. Senate behind Robert KKK Byrd (D-WV) and Strom Thurman (R-SC), serving 47 years before his death. He was first elected in November, 1962 and was elected nine times. He was one of the Senate's most liberal senators. And today's, mostly liberal, socialist, media have made him one of America's greatest ever "Statesman."
Edward M. Kennedy, most often referred to by his nickname "Teddy" (Rose Kennedy called her fourth son Teddy after her grandfather Edward who she also called Teddy) was no statesman. He was a spoiled rich kid who never worked a day in a private-sector job. As I said to a friend, the only two good deeds Kennedy ever did for his country was 1. Die and 2. Serve briefly in the U.S. Army (even then, with the help of his father, he avoided the Korean War by serving in Europe and only served half of his enlistment before being discharged as a PFC).
He was expelled twice at Harvard for cheating. While going to law school in Virginia he was cited for reckless driving four times. He was a known drunkard. Despite his reckless actions on and off campus, he managed to pass the bar exam in 1959.
In 1964 he was seriously injured in a plane crash and hospitalized for several months. Hospital tests showed that he was highly intoxicated (drunk) at the time of the accident.
Kennedy's biggest scandal occurred on July 19, 1968, during a drinking party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts. Shortly after 11:00 pm he offered to give Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker, a ride home. Both had been heavily drinking at the time. Kopechne climbed in the back seat and laid down. A short time later, with Kennedy behind the wheel and Kopechne asleep in the back seat of the Oldsmobile limousine, the car careened off the bridge of the road and turned over into Poucha Pond.
Kennedy managed to escape from the overturned, submerged car and swim to shore. He then walked back to the party leaving Kopechne trapped in the back seat of the car. Instead of reporting the incident to the police, Kennedy went back to his hotel and went to sleep. He called the police the following morning. By then the police had discovered the Oldsmobile in the Poucha Pond. Kopechne had scratched at the upholstery on the floor of the overturned car trying to get out. Authorities believe there was an air pocket above her head and she probably survived for a period of time before drowning. Had Kennedy summoned help, they may have been able to save Kopechne.
Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and was given a suspended sentence of two months. So much for justice. Had it been anyone else without the political connections of the Kennedy's, they would have been behind bars for a long time. Statesman - not in my book.
In his nearly fifty years in the U.S. Senate Kennedy did much damage to the nation with his socialist driven legislative agenda. He played a major part in allowing millions of illegal immigrants to cross our unsecured borders. He was a strong advocate of granting amnesty to all illegals. He was an outspoken advocate of more and more gun control - a staunch anti-Second Amendment politician who favored banning the private ownership of firearms in America. He supported Flag burning, same-sex marriage, homosexuals in the military, Global Warming (now referred to as climate change) and opposed the War on Terror. He was in favor of every social crackpot scheme dreamed up by the Democrats including socialized medicine.
He was well known for endless and degrading grilling of Republican Supreme Court nominees. His scathing remarks directed against Robert Bork, Reagen's USC nominee, became known as the infamous "Borking" of a nominee. Kennedy had the audacity to grill nominees on "what was right." What a jerk.
He was a well known drunk and womanizer around the Washington DC area. A real loud mouthed, foul minded individual who had a reputation for practically molesting women on restaurant and night club tables and booths while in a drunken stupor.
Well, there you have it. Judge for yourselves - Villain (skunk) or Statesman?